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University of Nova Gorica School of Arts focuses on the development of author personas, savvy in several complementary artistic fields and media – film, animation, photography, new media and contemporary art practices. The interdisciplinary and intermedia features of these explicitly practical study programmes delivered in a quality academic environment are guranteed by a rich pallet of referenced collaborators and visiting mentors. Besides manifold mobility options, students are included in international projects and collaborations with the local community as well as with a wider social context, especially the cultural and creative industries.
Gallery (15)
Given awards
Mladi talent
Filmography (168)
production (168)
distribution (26)
technical services (1)
important awards
Given the extremely rich selection of student films this year, we are not worried about the future of Slovenian cinema. It was difficult to choose, and it would be unfair to award the prize to just one film in so many different genres: fiction, documentary, experimental and animation. That is why we decided to cut this year’s Vesna into six parts, as we believe there are six films that deserve it equally. Due to the festival rules, this was not possible: the Vesna can only be awarded to one film. So, in accordance with the rules, we are awarding six special mentions, but we still consider them symbolically as the Vesna Award, while taking this opportunity to call again for a recast of the rules. But if you ask us, each of the winners should be allowed to keep the Vesna with them for two months of the year.
Each of the highlighted films stands out for certain creative aspects, and it is these that need to be recognised. Anja Resman’s animation Beyond the Face is an intricate work that reflects the artist’s creative maturity. Karin Likar’s (Un)Lucky Day is a playful, witty, imaginative and visually fresh animation. Nel Jeraj Sedej’s The Window is a brave social critique within a film experiment. Špela Koščak’s Interface can be experienced as a deft homage to avant-garde cinema through the sonic imprint of our times. Iza Mlakar has managed to weave an emotionally compelling film with her subtle direction of the actors in Threads. David Champaigne’s After is a genre-defining minimalist film distinguished by a well-executed dramaturgical arc.
Slovene: Z minimalnimi sredstvi in premišljeno permutacijo predmetov, čustev in konceptov, ki jo medij animacije prenese z neskončno in navdihljivo lahkoto, Sabotaža v enem zamahu opiše srce in duha sodobnega človeka in spomni, da je edina resnica večno spominjanje
Slovene: Kratki filmski esej I Reflect se domiselno loti obravnave pojma odsev, pri čemer se izrazito dobro poslužuje medija, znotraj katerega se umetniško izraža. V dopuščanju spontanosti, intuicije pri oblikovanju filmske naracije se avtoričin eksperimentalni pristop polnokrvno uresniči.
Slovene: Kratki animirani film Kurent izkazuje izjemno poznavanje filmskega jezika, s katerim scenarist, režiser in animator Miha Reja ustvari izvrstno kadrirano, dramaturško sklenjeno zgodbo o najstniškem pobegu in srečanje z nevsakdanjim, s kurentom in njegovim simbolnim pomenom. S premišljeno likovno podobo, ki se navezuje na slovensko slikarstvo, in poglobljenim obravnavanjem tematike film ustvari tekočo pripoved, ki gledalca nagovarja na čustveni ravni in ga potegne v vzdušje slavja ob kresu.
Posebna omemba DSAF za končan študijski animirani film 2022. Prelepa upodobitev pustovanja, ki se ozira v preteklo slovensko slikarstvo in hkrati izkazuje izjemno svež in podoboživ vizualen izraz.
Posebna omemba DSAF za končan študijski animirani film 2022. Težak, moreč, in namenoma nerodno stiliziran film, ki pokaže, kako težko je zadihati s polnimi pljuči po dolgotrajni zlorabi in manipulaciji.
Vizionar za kamero in režijo Arta Kroni za kamero in režijo filma Odstiranje
Arta Kroni z izbiro tematike prikaže izredno občutljivost za zgodbe neslišane, odmaknjene in marginalizirane družinske skupnosti. Svojo družino portretira prek zamolčanih osebnih zgodb, narativa pa se osredotoča na detajle in navidez nepomembne situacije, ki toliko bolj učinkovito predstavijo del družinske kronike. Kamera izrazito podpre emocijo in sporočilnost filma, kadri pa so poenoteni v estetiki.
V filmu toplih barv, z odlično zvočno sliko in z džezovskimi ritmi fluidno in brez odvečnih stranpoti se nam razkrije zgodba o dekletu, ki se spopada s popačeno percepcijo lastnega telesnega izgleda. To je zgodba, ki ji medij risane animacije neizmerno pristaja. Čestitamo za pogumno izbiro tematike in za izvedbo z odličnim občutkom za dramaturgijo.
We are delighted to announce that for the strong style and interesting technical pipeline of his project, for the clear vision and very good pitch and obvious personal dedication, we, the Animation Sans Frontieres partners, are very happy to award Miha Reja the CEE Animation Forum 2021 ASF prize, which will consist of a full scholarship to the 2021/2022 programme, starting in October this year at the Akademie Baden-Württemberg. Congratulations again Miha, we are looking forward to meeting you and working with you together.
Nagradili smo film, ki nas s trdno formo, a prav potiho zapelje v iluzijo globine morja. Kot pesem se nam usidra v srce občutek poletja na morju.
Slovene: Preko oči otroka odlično prikaže zanimivo paralelo med strahom, ki ga širijo mediji, in strahom pred spremembami v družini. Zelo ne-slovenski slovenski film.
Slovene: Animirani film ima vse, kar bi od risanke pričakoval, in predstavlja zanimivo kombinacijo 2d in 3d animacije.
"With a brave and innovative, yet old school, approach to the narrative, the film is a real visual feast that is also able to convey a unique view on difficult topics such as drug addiction and consumerism. The combination of dark humor and disturbing images, shot with an extraordinary level of craftsmanship, evokes the works of the masters of adult animation such as Jan Svankmeyer or the Quay Brothers. Therefore, the K3 Festival Jury Award for the Best Short Film goes to SOMA."
Award sum € 1.500.-
Slovene: Coffee avtorice Urške Đukić je duhovita miniaturka z domišljeno fotografijo in s poskusom humorne nadgradnje v zvočni komponenti dela.
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