If you cannot find the answer to your question below, you can always contact us.
1. Where can I find out more about the BSF project?
Please read our about page.
2. Who is behind the BSF project?
The creators of BSF are a mixed group of young(ish) film enthusiasts and professionals in their own fields (filmmaking, film theory, computer science, graphic design). Because we love Slovenian cinema, we have decided to devote our (often free) time to this project. You can find additional information on our about page.
3. Who are your supporters?
Please visit our partners page.
4. I like the project, how can I get involved?
There are a few ways you can help us, listed here.
5. Is this exclusively a FILM database?
No, our database consists of films, TV-series, music video, video-art, experimental projects, and other forms of audiovisual works. The eligibility is determined by a fixed set of criteria, and our editors. We are happy to accept data from users wishing to contribute , however due to a high volume of data awaiting to be processed, certain works or types of data will be put on the waiting list.