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Filmography (15)
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important awards
In this intimate documentary diary, which dissects the dynamics of a romantic relationship, the film itself becomes a protagonist. When in the midst of vast landscapes, we find ourselves in the tight grip of emotions, the frame and a Zastava 750, questions about the relationship between documentary and fiction, the real and the fictional, what we see and what remains hidden, are raised in new and unexpected ways.
A short but intense sequence that captures the viewer’s soul through profound glances and paints a conflicting paternal relationship in a gripping climax, in the silence of the abuse that too often drowns in the sea.
Special award for promoting gender equality. The monetary prize in the amount of €7,500 is sponsored by Mastercard.
Our Vesna for Special Achievement goes to Maja Doroteja Prelog’s Cent’anni for the bravery of its narrative. Without inhibitions, the film shows an intimate relationship that develops through the unpredictable twists and turns of life. A film becomes a relationship, and a relationship becomes a film.
Winter Flies is a charming road movie that travels, above all, through the exciting, timeless landscape of growing up. The film makes the viewer find the child within, full of innocent pleasures, with an ever-insatiable desire for adventure, exploration, and ceaseless travels through the sweet sorrows of the world. Olmo Omerzu guides the story with an ease of a fairy tale, enhancing it with refined humour yet always treating the subject responsibly.
Družina je s svojim neizprosno iskrenim prikazom življenja na socialnem in kulturnem robu Slovenije prepričljivo pokazala, da se širši družbeni problemi na koncu vedno lomijo na konkretnih posameznikih. Film je še zlasti prepričljiv, ker njegov režiser, Rok Biček, posnetega materiala ni zvezal v lahko razumljivo pripoved, ki bi gledalcem ponujala preprosto interpretacijo dogajanja. Za film je namreč značilna kompleksna dramaturška in časovno-prostorska struktura, ki nas sili, da si dogajanje osmislimo sami, s tem pa ostajamo aktivni gledalci, ki ne sprejemamo vsega, kar nam ponujajo vedno bolj populistično naravnani množični mediji.
For the depiction of narrative from the point of view of a child, and how the filmmaker allows emotion and its ramifications to guide the narrative logic of the film.
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