- Documentary Film
- 107'
- 2017
- Slovenia, Austria
- Basic info
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- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
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- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Born into a special needs family in a peripheral village of a peripheral country, Matej is yet so very different – different from otherness as well as normality – so as to seem as if he had escaped the determination of his environment. However, his fate catches up as he and his girlfriend have a daughter, soon to be followed by the disintegration of their relationship. A custody battle ensues, unt
Born into a special needs family in a peripheral village of a peripheral country, Matej is yet so very different – different from otherness as well as normality – so as to seem as if he had escaped the determination of his environment. However, his fate catches up as he and his girlfriend have a daughter, soon to be followed by the disintegration of their relationship. A custody battle ensues, until Matej decides to make a radical exit from the vicious circle of his family as well as life in general. A reality film covering a decade, The Family is a search for feelings rather than sensationalism. A film without a script, yet with a host of co-writers, both human and inhuman.
Gallery (17)
Videos (1)
Dnevnik (1951- )
Sound design
Sound department
Special effects
Camera department
Post production/editorial department
technical services
Rok Biček je z dokumentarnim filmom Družina monumentalno zarezal ne le v slovensko filmsko dokumentaristiko, temveč kar v zgodovino slovenskega filma. Družina je boleče intimna, a obenem univerzalna psihosocialna kronika nekega odraščanja v depriviligiranem okolju, kar je režiser snemal celo desetletje. Vstopanje v odraslost je mučno za vsakogar, za otroke iz disfunkcionalnih družin pa še toliko bolj. Zato so morda prenagljene, a avtonomne življenjske odločitve protagonista Mateja, ki na slovenskem podeželju odrašča v družini staršev s posebnimi potrebami, pretresljive in razumljive hkrati. Film Družina daje izjemen vpogled v družinske in družbene silnice, ki delujejo pri socializaciji vsakega človeškega bitja. Roku Bičku se je uspelo s filmskimi sredstvi približati intimi družinske skupnosti, njihovim medčloveškim odnosom na osupljivo resničen način in z ogromno mero umetniške in etične občutljivosti. Humanizem Bičkovega filma izziva bistvo gledalčeve lastne človeškosti, ko si upa brez lažnega moraliziranja in odvračanja pogleda od mučne problematike običajno nevidnih ljudi pokazati dostojanstvo filmskega subjekta.
(Odlomek iz obrazložitve: Mateja Valentinčič)
Critics' Week Award
Družina je s svojim neizprosno iskrenim prikazom življenja na socialnem in kulturnem robu Slovenije prepričljivo pokazala, da se širši družbeni problemi na koncu vedno lomijo na konkretnih posameznikih. Film je še zlasti prepričljiv, ker njegov režiser, Rok Biček, posnetega materiala ni zvezal v lahko razumljivo pripoved, ki bi gledalcem ponujala preprosto interpretacijo dogajanja. Za film je namreč značilna kompleksna dramaturška in časovno-prostorska struktura, ki nas sili, da si dogajanje osmislimo sami, s tem pa ostajamo aktivni gledalci, ki ne sprejemamo vsega, kar nam ponujajo vedno bolj populistično naravnani množični mediji.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Darko Vinkl, Klemen Dvornik, Matjaž Zajec
Contact the editors
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