- Short Fiction Film
- 24'
- 2021
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Three best friends, modern day sworn virgins, live by their own set of rules. When they get into another conflict with local boys and things get really rough, they are saved by a woman in becoming.
Gallery (3)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Sound department
Visual effects
Post production/editorial department
technical services
important awards
V kratkem igranem filmu Sestre, režiserka ponuja gledalcu kritičen razmislek o vlogi spola in z njo povezanim nasiljem v družbi. S pomočjo intenzivnega ritma, nasičenega prepleta vizualnih podob, zvoka in glasbe nas film silovito vodi od prvega do zadnjega kadra.
Because of the formal freshness and expressive power that characterize the story of an uncharacteristic sisterhood in a distinctly dialectical sociocultural context. A modern sisterhood that uncompromisingly overcomes conformism and traditional schemes and expresses a strong will to survive in a patriarchal society by formulating new rules and commandments.
This film delivers a refreshing portrayal of sisterhood through its bold filmmaking choices. The exquisitely composed sound score combined with stellar performances give context and power to female anger.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Lilijana Nedič, Rok Biček, Rok Sečen, Tina Smrekar (alternate) Explication
Filmski projekt Sestre na svež in zanimiv način obravnava relevantno temo in ponuja gledalcu razmislek o spolu, spolni identiteti, patriarhalni družbi in o potomcih priseljencev v Sloveniji.
Film ima potencial tako za domačo publiko kot tudi za mednarodne festivale. Projekt je konceptualno in vizualno dobro pripravljen, situacije in karakterji so detajlno in dosledno razdelani, zaradi česar je dramaturški potencial scenarija prepričljiv. Premislek o dodatnih povezovalnih situacijah in (ne)umeščenosti „zapovedi“ v dramaturški strukturi, bi lahko naredil scenarij (še) bolj koherenten.
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.