- Fiction Film
- 102'
- 2017
- Slovenia, Croatia
Having been assigned to open a walled-in pit, a miner from Zasavje finds much more than a deserted mine behind the wall. Through the eyes of an immigrant, the film uncovers a dark side of Slovenian history. The miner's simple and warm humanity is explored as an answer to complex divisions between people.
Director's statement
This is a film based on a true life story of a simple working-class guy, a miner, who because of his sense of decency and his simple humanism manages to bring out to the public what has been a dirty s
This is a film based on a true life story of a simple working-class guy, a miner, who because of his sense of decency and his simple humanism manages to bring out to the public what has been a dirty secret for decades, and thus opens a window of possibility for forgiveness and overcoming the split within the society.
Gallery (26)
Videos (1)
Dnevnik (1951- )
Credits order
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Art department
Sound department
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
Costume department
Hair and Make-up department
Post production/editorial department
Mentoring and Consulting colaboration
Tansportation department
technical services
important awards
Third Award Živojin Žika Pavlović
With a precise audiovisual language, El Minero is a work of great narrative rigor. Effective in its structure and with great testimonial value.
Prize from the Jury MicroCosmo of the Verona prison. Faced with the truth, one cannot hide, in the historical evidence as in the individual experiences that determine it. Knowledge with awareness does not allow for loopholes, on pain of inner suffering; a need for pacification emerges even accepting the price of disadvantages in the immediate. It is a path that begins with recognition of the victims. They wait to be honored, recognized in their dignity. This film leads to linger on the unsolved matters carried inside for some time, both as individuals and as a community. We need to explore our own private wars in order to develop our conscience and put ourselves on the line to build peace: this is liberation. In Rudar, the father's sense of human and emotional responsibility is renewed and takes on new forms in the social commitment of a daughter. And right there, they recognize each other. The path of consciousness from interiority leads to constructive action, for a possible new beginning.
The PAG Jury Award (Progetto Area Giovani of the Municipality of Trieste), awarded by a jury of young people aged between 18 and 35, representatives of youth associations.
Special Prize of the Cassa Rurale Vallagarina for the best film about the Alpi. From the bowels of the mountains emerge individual and collective stories that open up old wounds, in a land that has never dealt with its history. The mountain becomes a therapy for pain and a source of redemption.
The Bertani Winery Prize from the public
Feature films competition.
Peace Prize Honorary Diploma
Hana Slak je pretresljivo zgodbo o rudarju, ki se kot neke vrste novodobna Antigona bori za dostojen pokop žrtev povojnih pobojev, podala z izjemno mero pripovednega občutka. Njen film tako odlikujejo odličen ritem, spretna dramaturška konstrukcija, učinkovita raba glasbenih vložkov in seveda tudi delo z igralci, ki jim je brez velikih besed uspelo pokazati, da so mali posamezniki praviloma največji ljudje.
Vlado Gojun je s svojo občuteno montažo različne vsebinske poudarke, ki so značilni za film Rudar, sestavil v tekočo, ne pa tudi povsem gladko celoto. Ker je v jedru pripovedi eksistencialni nemir glavnega junaka, je namreč Gojun nekaj tega nemira z občasnimi ostrejšimi rezi ohranil tudi na ravni forme in na ta način dosegel, da film zveni tako v globino kot v širino.
Leon Lučev je s svojo večplastno interpretacijo oblikoval izjemno prepričljiv lik rudarja Alije. Lučev nas zadržano, naravno in minimalistično, ko pa to vloga zahteva, tudi eksplozivno potegne globoko v Alijeva stanja, prepričanja in odločnost, da bo za vsako ceno naredil pravo stvar. Z ekspresivnim pogledom in subtilno gesto mu uspeva izražati intenzivne emocije tudi takrat, ko ne govori, s čimer je oblikoval skrajno življenjski in hkrati tudi zelo impresiven igralski lik.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Špela Čadež, Gregor Vesel, Matjaž Zajec, Sašo Podgoršek (alternate)
Comitee: Amra Bakšić Čamo, Sašo Podgoršek, Urban Vovk, Klemen Dvornik (alternate)
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