Sonja Prosenc
Sonja Prosenc is an internationally awarded and critically acclaimed writer - director. Her second feature History of Love was awarded in the Crystal Globe Competition, Karlovy Vary IFF 2018. Besides international and domestic film awards her accolades include representation at Slamdance as one of the four globally selected directors of the future, at Cineuropa as one of eight European female directors to watch, and selection to Eurimages Gold Album. Both of her feature films (The Tree, History of Love) served as Official OSCAR Entries (2016, 2
Sonja Prosenc is an internationally awarded and critically acclaimed writer - director. Her second feature History of Love was awarded in the Crystal Globe Competition, Karlovy Vary IFF 2018. Besides international and domestic film awards her accolades include representation at Slamdance as one of the four globally selected directors of the future, at Cineuropa as one of eight European female directors to watch, and selection to Eurimages Gold Album. Both of her feature films (The Tree, History of Love) served as Official OSCAR Entries (2016, 2020). She glides successfully between internationally acclaimed arthouse dramas, comedy (awarded short Paradise, 2019) and mystery thriller TV series (Trigrad, first presented at Series Mania in France, and nominated for Heart of Sarajevo in seven out of eight categories at Sarajevo Film Festival 2023). With her third feature “Family Therapy” (original: Odrešitev za začetnike), she combines comedy with her distinctive artistic vision, creating a unique cinematic experience.
Gallery (11)
Filmography (18)
Direction (11)
Writing (8)
Production (5)
Cast (1)
Post production/editorial department (5)
Directing department (2)
Production department (1)
Lighting department (1)
important awards
The awarded film will receive CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition and audience outreach, through a network of 3,000 cinemas.
Family Therapy raises the theme of the dysfunctional family in an original, bold and humorous way, placing it in a broader social context. This is a brave and insightful satire that brings a new wave of energy to Slovenian cinema.
Using social satire in a highly intimate way, the screenplay eschews established narrative conventions, moving beyond the safe confines of realism. Here, the poetic breathes with the political, constantly offering space for deeper reflection.
V mediteranski atmosferi Rajase v finih detajlih zrcali odnos mladega para na počitnicah z vsemi malimi nevšečnostmi, v katerih se prepoznamo gledalci in se pravzaprav smejimo sami sebi. Lahkotnost in briljanca filma v vseh segmentih njegove izvedbe –scenarija, kamere, režije, igre. Odlična izvedba celotne ekipe filma odpira naš »periferni vid«.
Official Selection - Competition
Članice žirije FIPRESCI, ki smo tokrat izbirale med celovečernimi igranimi filmi, smo sklenile, da nagrado podelimo delu, ki ga ne odlikujeta samo drzna izbira motiva in njegova simbolna razsežnost, temveč tudi odlična izvedba filmske pripovedi na vseh ravneh –tako režije kot igre, fotografije, scenografije in glasbe. Nagrado FIPRESCI poklanjamo filmu Drevo.
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