- Debut film
- Fiction Film
- 86'
- 2018
- Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia
- Basic info
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- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Ana gives birth in the local hospital and everything goes well. There is only a small bureaucratic problem: Ana is not on file. It must be a software glitch, nothing serious. After a few days, Ana finds herself entangled in a web of Kafkaesque proportions: not in the computer means no social security, no permanent address. Ana is suddenly a foreigner, even though she has spent all of her life in S
Ana gives birth in the local hospital and everything goes well. There is only a small bureaucratic problem: Ana is not on file. It must be a software glitch, nothing serious. After a few days, Ana finds herself entangled in a web of Kafkaesque proportions: not in the computer means no social security, no permanent address. Ana is suddenly a foreigner, even though she has spent all of her life in Slovenia. Legally, she does not exist. Her child is therefore an orphan. And orphans can go up for adoption. On February 26 1992, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia erased 25,671 of its own nationals. The majority of those are still unable to regain their legal status.
Gallery (23)
Videos (1)
Dnevnik (1951- )
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Sound department
Camera department
Costume department
Post production/editorial department
important awards
Utemelljitev hrvaško: "Ocjenjivački sud posebno pohvaljuje glumicu Juditu Franković Brdar za kreiranje izuzetno kompleksnog glavnog lika predočenog velikom ekspresivnošću u filmu Izbrisana, redatelja Mihe Mazzinija."
Feature films competition.
Hrvaško: „Minimumom izražajnih sredstava prikazala je širok raspon emocija i utjelovila kompleksan lik.“
Serbian films competition programme (Serbia and Friends)
Jury statement in serbian: Zbog svog briljantnog načina pridruživanja traumatskoj i apsurdnoj istorijskoj pozadini zajedno sa borbom žene koja je odbila da ostane nevidljiva, i svojim impresivnim prikazom emocija i iskustva samohrane majke koja se suočava sa nasiljem i pritiskom svoje jake volje.
In her role as Ana, Judita Frankovid’s acting is very subtle and convincing, with an intense feeling for emotion, the film plot and the words that are spoken. Using a unique acting process, she integrates all these elements into unparalleled cinematic moments, thus revealing the entire pathos of the character to let it influence the viewer. If at first, she enters the role of Ana quite matter-of-factly, after Ana’s loss of identity she slowly transforms the character's palpability into an inward-looking being who finds herself in a desperate situation.
For the meticulous recreation of the surroundings and the atmosphere of Slovenia in 1992. From the smallest casual details to the overall capturing of the bygone times, this successful and very demanding work on the production design plays a crucial role in the authentic qualities of the film itself.
For creating a very precise and surprisingly organic musical accompaniment to the trials and tribulations of the main character in this historically difficult film. The team of composers with its achievement have undoubtedly elevated the audible experience of the film, heightening even further the emotions and the actions of the story itself.
In Erased, the vision of Sanja Džeba in costume design was more than just to research the fashion of the nineties in detail. Her achievement is an artistic expression that is not pushing to the foreground but is able to coexist with the film. Her thoughtful visual approach always remains balanced with situations and the environment, which results in the consistency of the film's costume design and contributes to the environment being non-illustrative. Her costume design provides natural support to characters' psychology and effectively works to the narrative’s advantage.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
hrvaško: Debitantski dugometražni film 'Izbrisana' slovenskog redatelja Mihe Mazzinija prema scenariju Mihe Mazzinija i Dušana Joksimovića (slovenski producent: Gustav film; hrvatski koproducent: Kinorama) drama je o samohranoj majci koju je administrativno brisanje s popisa stanovništva koje se dogodilo u Sloveniji 1992. godine pretvorilo preko noći u
«strankinju» te prisililo na bitku za vlastito dijete. Film govori o moći države koja je u stanju «malim administrativnim zahvatom» u računalnu bazu podataka uništiti nečiji život. Riječ je o filmu kojeg resi uvjerljiva priča i uvjerljive dramske situacije kroz koje se možemo u potpunosti poistovjetiti s glavnom junakinjom.
Comitee: Hanna Slak, Branislav Srdić, Peter Kolšek, Klemen Dvornik (alternate)
Comitee: Amra Bakšić Čamo, Sašo Podgoršek, Urban Vovk, Klemen Dvornik (alternate)
Comitee: Miha Hočevar, Jožica Šmid, Andrej Blatnik, Jože Dolmark (alternate)
Contact the editors
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