- Documentary Film
- 82'
- 2015
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
As a result of the privatization process, a five-storey building with three entrances, originally built as a temporary workers home mainly for guest construction workers from Bosnia, is now shared by nineteen owners. Men that live there, came to Slovenia as young lads and spent 30 years working on various construction sites throughout Slovenia. When the construction companies they worked for went
As a result of the privatization process, a five-storey building with three entrances, originally built as a temporary workers home mainly for guest construction workers from Bosnia, is now shared by nineteen owners. Men that live there, came to Slovenia as young lads and spent 30 years working on various construction sites throughout Slovenia. When the construction companies they worked for went bankrupt, they lost everything, and their bankrupt employers owe them lot of money. The first floor is occupied by adolescents who come from disturbed families and prefer the welfare youth home. A few tenants found refuge here in this cheapest accommodation facility, because they had been evicted from their former apartments. The house is large, but for most of its residents the accommodation here means that they have just a bed and not much else. Nobody calls it a home; they all thought it would be just a temporary solution, but sometimes this temporariness drags on endlessly. Besides social marginalization they have something else in common: stories.
Gallery (33)
Videos (1)
Sound design
Directing department
Camera department
important awards
Croatian: Na samom početku vijećanja dogovorili smo se da ćemo jedno posebno priznanje dodijeliti filmu koji dotiče regionalnu problematiku. Dom otvara probleme posttranzicijskih društava bivše Jugoslavije: Bosanaca i Slovenaca. Film prikazuje ljude koji su izvedeni iz ljudskosti, koji su svedeni u položaj ropstva i potpuno poniženi. Oni ne reagiraju na svakodnevne situacije koje bi trebale pružiti užitak. Orvelovska dimenzija filma ističe automatizam zbroja pojedinaca kroz izoliranu stvarnost koju kreira sustav. Taj je sustav zanijekao radnike kao ljude, a oni su, unatoč tolikom poniženju, i dalje blisko vezani uz tvornice u kojima su radili.
Montenegrin: Maslačak za najbolji regionalni dokumentarac na ovogodišnjem UnderhillFestu dodjeljujemo filmu koji vještim preplitanjem nekoliko narativnih linija na jednostavan način predstavlja položaj radnika i vrijednosti čovjeka u savremenom društvu. Jak dojam prolaznosti vremena ostvaren je posve konvencionalnim i nepretencioznim filmskim jezikom”, navodi se u obrazloženju žirija.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Darko Vinkl, Klemen Dvornik, Matjaž Zajec, Sašo Podgoršek (alternate)
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.