Alenka Nahtigal
Alenka Nahtigal is a key make-up artist. The most well known projects she collaborated on are Odgrobadogroba (2005), Ivan (2017) and Ruševine (2004). She received 4 awards.
Gallery (1)
Filmography (67)
Make-up (63)
Cast (1)
Production (1)
Hair and Make-up department (1)
Mentoring and Consulting colaboration (1)
Other (1)
important awards
SKOM award
(Asociation Award)
special achievement award
Vesna Award
(Jury Award)
best make-up
Tankočutno izdelana maska Alenke Nahtigal se Maruši Majer v filmu Ivan prilega kot druga koža. Nosi sledove njenega trpljenja ob rojstvu otroka in kasnejših fizičnih zlorab, sočasno pa deluje kot močan vizualni element, ki v gledalca prenese občutek njene skeleče bolečine, ki nas oplazi "{ la fleur de peau"...
Vesna Award
(Jury Award)
best make-up
Vesna Award
(Jury Award)
best make-up
Slovenskemu filmu manjka žanrske raznolikosti. Televizijski srednjemetražni film Sonja je tako dobrodošla posebnost. Bizarni liki Milana Kleča in Janeza Burgerja dobijo s kreacijo maske Alenke Nahtigal živo, strašljivo podobo.
Extended data
commercials (production formats), experimental films (production formats), fiction films (production formats), industrial/corporate videos (production formats), make-up (services), music videos (production formats), TV production (production formats)
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