Za vedno
- Fiction Film
- 82'
- 2008
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Tanya is 35, with a successful career. Her husband Mare is an architect. One Friday, Tanya comes home late at night. Mare confronts her and they exchange some edgy words; Mare is clearly jealous, he loses control of himself and slaps her. Obviously, this is not the first time. Tanya locks herself in the bathroom. They continue their conversation through the locked door. Mare calms down, but when T
Tanya is 35, with a successful career. Her husband Mare is an architect. One Friday, Tanya comes home late at night. Mare confronts her and they exchange some edgy words; Mare is clearly jealous, he loses control of himself and slaps her. Obviously, this is not the first time. Tanya locks herself in the bathroom. They continue their conversation through the locked door. Mare calms down, but when Tanya comes out of the bathroom, he becomes abusive again. The noise wakes up a neighbour, who reports them to the police. The police arrive and the couple calm down. When the policemen leave, the couple resorts to psychological abuse. What follows is a night of hateful and skilful twisting of words that step by step reveals all the dark secrets of their relationship. Behind the facade of a successful couple are suppressed feelings of inferiority, weakness, deceit, frustration and traumas from their youth. The whole story takes place during one night in an apartment in Ljubljana. Although the entire story actually takes place in real time (from 3:30 to 5:00 a.m.), it is highly condensed and emotional. The key question or the suspense is whether she will or will not walk out on him.
Gallery (12)
Credits order
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Production department
Sound department
Lighting department
important awards
Izrazito komorna zasnova filma Za vedno je za montažerja velik izziv. Jurij Moškon z rezi ne vsiljuje lažnega ritma, ne vzpostavlja umetne napetosti, ampak s primerno ritmiko zgradi čas in prostor pripovedi.
Pritajen upor. Strah. Brezup. Težke besede. Ogromno besed. Nobenega spektakla. Nobenega glamurja. Ena dolga noč. Marjuta Slamič nas v filmu Za vedno z zadržano igro prepriča, da je vse res. Ali pa tudi ne.
CineBalkan, balkan films competition.
Župančičevo nagrado za leto 2008 prejme filmski režiser in scenarist Damjan Kozole
Ljubljana ima v Damjanu Kozoletu, filmskem režiserju svetovnega ugleda, katerega filmi so bili uvrščeni na več kot sto svetovnih filmskih festivalov, prejeli 20 nagrad in doživeli nadpovprečen obisk tudi v domačih kinematografih, rojenega filmskega umetnika, ki s svojimi filmi postavlja spomenik mestu in njegovim ljudem v času t. i. tranzicije, polne življenjskih stisk in omejitev. To še posebej velja za oba filma, ki ju je umetnik posnel v zadnjem letu: Poštar in Za vedno.
Oba filma sta nastala z nizkimi proračunskimi sredstvi, kakor jih slovenski kinematografiji odmerja kulturna politika zadnjih let, a ju to v ničemer ne omejuje, da se ne bi polno izrazila v svojem žanru: Poštar z dokumentarno pristnostjo upodobljenega realnega lika, ki s prestavitvijo v filmsko resničnost filozofsko odslika svoj simbolični poklic in čas družbene utesnjenosti, Za vedno pa s precizno psihološko študijo kompleksnega partnerskega razmerja, ki ga usodno določajo in vodijo v nasilnost odrinjene osebne travme, gledalca pa se dotaknejo z intenzivno igralsko prezenco obeh junakov. Film je bil januarja prikazan na filmskem festivalu v Rotterdamu, kamor se uvrstijo filmi z izrazitimi avtorskimi poetikami.
Ljubljana Damjanu Kozoletu podeljuje Župančičevo nagrado za oba zadnja ljubljanska filma, ki s svojo umetniško prodornostjo prispevata k prepoznavnosti slovenske prestolnice in države Slovenije v svetu, pa tudi kot poklon njegovi umetnosti, ki želi biti obenem spodbuda za njegove prihodnje prepričljive filmske upodobitve Ljubljane in življenja v njej.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.