
March 8th With the Slovenian Female Editors

March  8th With the Slovenian Female Editors

March 8th With the Slovenian Female Editors

The Slovenian Film Centre in cooperation with the Slovenian Film Database traditionally presents the creativity of Slovenian female filmmakers with a special screening on Women's Day. Between March 7
The Slovenian Film Centre in cooperation with the Slovenian Film Database traditionally presents the creativity of Slovenian female filmmakers with a special screening on Women's Day. Between March 7 and 9, we invite you to watch seven films. This year, we are paying special attention to female editors who have had a significant impact on Slovenian film from its beginnings to the present day.
March 7, 2024 (8 p.m.) - March 9, 2024 (11:59 p.m.)

On the 31st Anniversary of the Erased

On the 31st Anniversary of the Erased

On the 31st Anniversary of the Erased

This Sunday, February 26, we commemorate the 31st anniversary of the erased. On February 26, 1992, the Ministry of the Interior deleted 25,671 people from the register of permanent residents. With th
This Sunday, February 26, we commemorate the 31st anniversary of the erased. On February 26, 1992, the Ministry of the Interior deleted 25,671 people from the register of permanent residents. With the aim of raising awareness, we invite you to watch the film Erased directed by Miha Mazzini. The initiator of the free screening is the production company Gustav film. THE FILM WILL BE AVAILABLE TO STREAM UNTIL MIDNIGHT ON 2/26/2023.
Feb. 22, 2023 (noon) - Feb. 26, 2023 (11:59 p.m.)

Prešeren Award Recipients 2023, Ema Kugler and Matevž Luzar

Prešeren Award Recipients 2023, Ema Kugler and Matevž Luzar

Prešeren Award Recipients 2023, Ema Kugler and Matevž Luzar

Feb. 7, 2023 (8 p.m.) - Feb. 9, 2023 (11:59 p.m.)

How It Grows…

How It Grows…

How It Grows…

KEF Online & Kids Euro Festival v Washingtonu A little animal is born. Soon after, it has to learn how to find food so it can grow and grow: “Nom, nom, nom…”. Sometimes it has to be careful not to be
KEF Online & Kids Euro Festival v Washingtonu A little animal is born. Soon after, it has to learn how to find food so it can grow and grow: “Nom, nom, nom…”. Sometimes it has to be careful not to become food for its predators: “Hide, little animal!” The days are passing and the little animal is not little anymore. It has grown into an adult. Now it explores the world on its own, until it notices someone special. A mate of the same species! They fall in love and the circle of life begins again. Each episode of How It Grows… illustrates the development of a different animal species from birth to adulthood. The main character is accompanied by other animals that are part of its natural habitat. Actions are supported with narration in rhymes, allowing the youngest to learn new words more easily. Each episode ends with a riddle that sums up what has been learned.
Oct. 11, 2021 (8 a.m.) - Oct. 30, 2021 (11:59 p.m.)

A Season of Classic Films: Seven Slovenian Classic Shorts

A Season of Classic Films: Seven Slovenian Classic Shorts

A Season of Classic Films: Seven Slovenian Classic Shorts

In collaboration with the Slovenian Film Centre and the Slovenian Film Archives, the Slovenian Cinematheque is proud to present the world premiere of seven digitally restored Slovenian classic short f
In collaboration with the Slovenian Film Centre and the Slovenian Film Archives, the Slovenian Cinematheque is proud to present the world premiere of seven digitally restored Slovenian classic short films. The programme highlights important filmmakers from the history of Slovenian cinema and, in particular, the explosive creativity of their film expression, which without exception integrates formal and narrative experiments.
June 23, 2021 (5 p.m.) - June 27, 2021 (11:59 p.m.)

International Women's Day with films by Slovenian female directors

International Women's Day with films by Slovenian female directors

International Women's Day with films by Slovenian female directors

The Slovenian Film Center traditionally dedicates March 8 to Slovenian. For the past two years Slovenian Film Database has proudly joined them in this tradition. Therefore we invite you to spend Women
The Slovenian Film Center traditionally dedicates March 8 to Slovenian. For the past two years Slovenian Film Database has proudly joined them in this tradition. Therefore we invite you to spend Women's Day in the company of stories and characters created by Slovenian directresses. In this year selection, we present the short animated film Soma by Sandra Jovanovska and four short films Concert by Barbara Zemljič, The Right One by Urška Djukić, Goodbye, Vesna (2020) by Sara Kern and Swimming (2014) by Katarina Rešek, who recently received the Grand Prix at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival for her new film Sisters.
March 7 - 8, 2021

Feminist film festival FeFi: NOW! - short films

Feminist film festival FeFi: NOW! - short films

Feminist film festival FeFi: NOW! - short films

FeFi is the first Slovenian feminist film festival where women's stories and female creators are in the centre. She is named after Genovefa or tribal woman, a patroness of candle makers, shepherds, mi
FeFi is the first Slovenian feminist film festival where women's stories and female creators are in the centre. She is named after Genovefa or tribal woman, a patroness of candle makers, shepherds, milliners and gardeners, but also protectress of eyesight. Her all-seeing eye highlights the invisible, subjugated, marginalized, but tough and rough stories that change the course of history.. The festival will lead into past, present and future of women’s cinematic work where rules are self-made and roads are unpaved. Section Fresh calls attention to international radical newcomers, who defy the “good ol’ ways” of patriarchal filmmaking. Section Now! is in the moment of Slovenian filmmaking while Retro spotlights past works, invisible or unseen. FeFi gives preference to the female gaze and calls for solidarity: »An Eye for an Eye is démodé. An Eye with an Eye is now, gazing into the same direction.«
March 4, 2021 (12:01 a.m.) - March 10, 2021 (11:59 p.m.)

Ptuj City Cinema: Class Enemey

Ptuj City Cinema: Class Enemey

Ptuj City Cinema: Class Enemey

Jan. 14, 2021 (5 p.m.-10 p.m.)

GT22 - Ekstremno Virtualno: Videti El Aaiún

GT22 - Ekstremno Virtualno: Videti El Aaiún

GT22 - Ekstremno Virtualno: Videti El Aaiún

GT22 v sklopu Ekstremno Virtualno vabi na spletno projekcijo dokumentarnega filma Videti El Aaiún, režiserja Erika Valenčiča. Film je nastal v produkciji Hupa Brajdič produkcija in v sodelovanju s fot
GT22 v sklopu Ekstremno Virtualno vabi na spletno projekcijo dokumentarnega filma Videti El Aaiún, režiserja Erika Valenčiča. Film je nastal v produkciji Hupa Brajdič produkcija in v sodelovanju s fotografoma Arnetom Hodaličem in Katjo Bidovec.
Dec. 20 - 23, 2020

It Started With Trust

It Started With Trust

It Started With Trust

Danes zvečer vas vabimo, da si ogledate tri kratke filme s skupnim naslovom Začelo se je z zaupanjem, ki so nastali na pobudo produkcijske hiše Vertigo in društva SOS telefon za ženske in otroke ob ub
Danes zvečer vas vabimo, da si ogledate tri kratke filme s skupnim naslovom Začelo se je z zaupanjem, ki so nastali na pobudo produkcijske hiše Vertigo in društva SOS telefon za ženske in otroke ob ubeleženju Mednarodnega dne boja proti nasilju nad ženskami, 25. novembra. Številne organizacije in posamezni ustvarjalci in delavci v kulturi so svoje znanje, izkušnje in prosti čas prostovoljno prispevali k nastanku filmov Vse bo v redu, Nisem rekla ja in Upanje umre zadnje, ki so nastali v režiji Martina Drakslerja.
Dec. 2, 2020 (6 p.m.)

Miha Vipotnik: Faces of Analogue / Quantisation of Red

Miha Vipotnik: Faces of Analogue / Quantisation of Red

Miha Vipotnik: Faces of Analogue / Quantisation of Red

May 14, 2020 (8 p.m.-11:59 p.m.)

Vsi (filmi) doma!

Vsi (filmi) doma!

Vsi (filmi) doma!

March 16 - May 20, 2020

A man for the Cinema: Karpo Godina

A man for the Cinema: Karpo Godina

A man for the Cinema: Karpo Godina

April 27 - May 5, 2020

A Man for the Cinema: The Charisma of Silvan Furlan

A Man for the Cinema: The Charisma of Silvan Furlan

A Man for the Cinema: The Charisma of Silvan Furlan

April 22 - 28, 2020

Celebrating International Women's Day 2020 with Slovenian women directors!

Celebrating International Women's Day 2020 with Slovenian women directors!

Celebrating International Women's Day 2020 with Slovenian women directors!

The Slovenian Film Centre in the Slovenian Film Database are proud to present 5 short films directed by 5 Slovenian women, as part of the International Women's Day 2020 celebration.
March 7 - 9, 2020