214 Titles / Updated Sept. 10, 2024

Animated films

Rabbitman (2018)
Short Animated Film / 1'
A bunny jumps on the road and looks at the truck that rushes towards it.
Asemblažist (2020)
Short Animated-Fiction Film / 2'
Asemblažist is a Slovenian Short Animated-Fiction Film. Featuring Andrej Štular. It is defined as a commercial.
Celica (2017)
Short Animated Film / 12' 50'' / 51 awards and 1 nomination Awards
The Box is full of miserable creatures. One of them doesn't belong there. He's thinking outside the box...
Orlek ~ Perkmandeljc (2002)
Animated Music Video / 2' 16'' / 1 award Awards
Perkmandeljc is a Slovenian Animated Music Video. It was directed by Dušan Kastelic. It was produced by Bugbrain Inštitut za animacijo and Vertigo. It has received 1 award.
Bizgeci: Božična (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Božična is the 9th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Happy Birthday (2014)
Short Animated Film / 5'
A grandma lives her lonely life in a retirement home. She feeds pigeons, her best and only friends.
Nočna ptica (2016)
Short Animated Film / 9' / 17 awards Awards
A badger lies motionless on a local road. A police patrol approaches the body in the dark. They soon realise that the animal is not dead; the badger is dead drunk from overripe pears! When the police attempt to drag the creature off the road, he wakes up and things take a strange turn.
Koyaa: Živahna kanta (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
While painting a chair, Koyaa smears paint all over the trashcan. Since he can’t remove the stain, he decides to just paint the whole thing. The trashcan rebels and runs off, with Koyaa racing after it, swinging his roller. Mayhem!
Tako zraste ...: Žaba (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
A little animal is born. Soon, it has to go out looking for food to start growing: “Nom, nom, nom…” The animal has to stay alert to avoid the predators: “Take cover, beastie!” Days go by and the little animal is no longer so little. Now, adult, it keeps exploring the world on its own until it finds someone very special. A mate of its own kind! They fall in love and a new life cycle begins.
Tako zraste ...: Štorklja (2022)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
High up on the chimney, something stirs inside the nest: a small stork is about to fly out into the world. Safely avoiding any danger, he finds something to eat. But the best thing happens when he spots a pair of beautiful eyes belonging to a lady stork.
XX (2022)
Short Animated Film / 10' 57'' / 1 award Awards
A flyer quickly moving the existing with an impulse adventure; we enter into concepts more. We type in the adventure into a fast ice-cream maker; a plate from rational perception. We enter — the head. Go ahead, sit down, it's phenomenal here.
Bongo (1958)
Short Animated Film / 13'
Bongo is a spoiled son of an African king. When he desires a snowman, the villagers bring him one in a refrigerator. But the snowman melts and the boy starts crying again.
Mala šola uresničarije (2016)
Short Animated Film / 11'
A young, little ghost of the oil lamp, born into the legendary family of wish-fulfilling masters, will do anything to prevent his strict father from learning his big secret: he is the first magical ghost in the family without any magical powers, and he cannot make even a single wish come true.
Slovenia Tourist & Terrorist Guide (2010)
Short Animated Film / 5' 40''
Slovenia Tourist & Terrorist Guide is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Mitja Manček.
Kameleozaver in žaba (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Kameleozaver in žaba is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža.
Bizgeci: Človek ne jezi se (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Človek ne jezi se is the 13th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Egon klobuk (2012)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Egon klobuk is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Igor Šinkovec. It was produced by Kid Animation.
Catican (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3' / 1 award Awards
The roles get reversed: mankind is now ruled by cats and subject to religious tyranny. We follow the last day in the life of a human and witness the process of feline domination.
Čas za večerjo (2016)
Short Animated Film / 2'
At a street lamp, a male and a female bat are waiting for dinner.
Hello! (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Hello! is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a comedy. It was directed by Filip Bihar, Samo Bihar, Antonella D’Amico, Mery Gobec, Anna Loi, Miha Oven, Mojca Valič, Anja Zadnik and Tina Zadnik. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG.
Zakoreninjeno v kodi (2023)
Short Animated Film / 13' 23'' / 2 awards Awards
The film takes place in the year 2057. In a polluted city, a permaculture garden flourishes on the roof of a skyscraper, tended by a robot gardener and an elderly botanist. Appealing to all ages, the film speculates on the degraded state of the environment, nature, and the ecosystem in the future, but at the same time presents a utopian solarpunk vision and solutions to the environmental crisis. It also brings into the equation a question of the impact artificial intelligence will have on our society, our daily lives, and our environment. When animating, the filmmaker Nejc Trampuž explored the capabilities of the rapidly evolving tools of generative artificial intelligence. Those are shaking up the social and artistic realms and entering the field of film production and gaming. The AI tools were used to generate elements of animation and sound, as well as to write the story, script, and visual design of characters and scenes. Nejc Trampuž worked with artist and sound designer Tim Kropivšek to create the audio while Blaž Šef, an actor and interpreter, provided the voice.
Baby Boom (2016)
Short Animated Film / 5'
A desperate bread-making woman is trying to conceive a child. She is taking pills to boost her fertility, but one day she accidentally swallows the wrong pill and instead of a child, something else starts to grow in her stomach.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Balon (2015)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Morning breaks in the forest, and Prince Ki-Ki-Do takes his morning tea. Then a hunter flies by in a red balloon to set up traps for wild animals. Unable to resist the sweet baits, all animals get trapped. Happy with his catch, the hunter ties the cages to the balloon, and sets off again, the animals crying out in despair. Hearing them, Prince Ki-Ki-Do puts down his newspaper at once, and a true air battle begins.
AHA.OK (2015)
Short Animated Film / 6'
Cat Prince decides to run away from home. Many obstacles come his way, and he (more or less) overcomes all of them.
Four of a Kind (2021)
Short Animated Film / 4'
Four animals meet in the hedgehog’s den for a game of poker. George the hedgehog deals out cards and chips. At some point, one of the players realises that someone is cheating before their very eyes.
Tako zraste ...: Petelin (2020)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Petelin is the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Tako zraste ... (2018). Featuring Aleš Valič. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Miha F. Kalan and Jernej Žmitek. It was produced by Invida.
Vino ni rešitev (2012)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Vino ni rešitev is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Paula Ramos Valios, Živa Čonkaš. It was produced by Zavod ZVVIKS.
Terapija (2019)
Short Animated Film / 7'
Theresa has problems with feeling any sort of emotion thus she decides for her only option; a therapy bath. Through therapy, Theresa reawakens memories of her livid childhood which she shared with her grandmother. Due to this, Theresa begins to feel emotions again and feels like a normal person.
Pravici je končno zadoščeno! (2012)
Short Animated Film / 3' / 1 award Awards
Pravici je končno zadoščeno! is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Mitja Manček. It has received 1 award.
Maček Muri: Tekma (2020)
Animated TV Episode / 12' / 2 awards Awards
Today is the day for a true Cat City Derby between FC Cubs and FC Tigers. If the stout Cheeky is the goalkeeper, the win is practically guaranteed for the Kittens. But this time, their plan is thwarted by the cunning Scallywag, the new captain of FC Tomcats. Are his tricks enough to pull off a victory?
Koyaa: Divji ležalnik (2017)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45'' / 1 award Awards
On a sleepy summer afternoon, Koyaa lies down in a sunbed to rest. The sweltering heat makes the item go crazy, kicking around like a wild stallion! Koyaa can barely keep it under control...
Radovedna miš (2016)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Radovedna miš is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža.
Alma, neuklonljiva ženska (2022)
Short Animated Film / 10' 41''
This is a film about the extraordinary character of the famed traveller, explorer and writer Alma Karlin, about her youth, her stay in Japan, and her life and work in this country. It outlines her personality and a part of her round-the-world journey, displaying the emotions not often associated with her.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Trampolin (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Trampolin is the 5th episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Princ Ki-Ki-Do (2014). Featuring Vojko Sfiligoj, Violeta Tomič, Uroš Vuk. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by OZOR zavod za gibljive slike.
Mavrica (2018)
Short Animated Film / 4'
Mavrica is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža.
Dismorfija (2021)
Short Animated Film / 4' / 2 awards Awards
Zani decides it is time to face her body dysmorphia. On her way to a date with her boyfriend, she loses herself in a world of mirrors.
Zemlječarstvo (2020)
Short Animated Film / 4' / 1 award Awards
Zemlječarstvo is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Nejc Heine, Valentina Plaskan. It is defined as a fantasy. It was directed by Jošt Šeško. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG. It has received 1 award.
Puščica (1960)
Short Animated Film / 5' 53''
A boy is awarded a wooden bow, but told he should not shoot it. Disappointed, he shoots an arrow in the air and hits a hat in a shop window. As it turns out, hats with arrows can be fashionable.
Kakor krogla po Evropi (2015)
Animated-Documentary Film / 50'
Kakor krogla po Evropi is a Slovenian Animated-Documentary Film. It is defined as a biopic. It was directed by Mauro Tonini. It was produced by Casablanca.
Animatorjeva avtobiografija (2004)
Short Animated Film / 3'
People watch cartoons and have great fun doing that; thus they are convinced that making cartoons is also such fun. But as you'll see in this cartoon, this is not true. An autobiographic cartoon, in which life unfolds without paying any attention to the author.
Pipi in Popi (2020)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Pipi and Popi are identical chickens. A small quarrel creates a real catastrophe.
Bela, črna in prava ljubezen (2021)
Short Animated Film / 6'
Not every love story is the same: some are tragic, others stunning. But there is always hope even when the movie ends.
Bimberli (2022)
Short Animated Film / 15'
In the old part of town, at the end of Larch Street, is an old townhouse. A girl who lives there shares her room with her magic friend, Bunko the Bimberlee. The sweet furry creature came to live with her when she was just a baby, and they have been inseparable since. But Bunko has grown quite a bit thought the years, and his bulky body has become too big to fit in the flat. Also, he is awfully clumsy..
Zgodba o zajcu Marjanu (2024)
Short Animated Film / 2' 38''
When little Mitja gets a pet bunny, his first pet, he names it Marjan after his dad. One day, the boy finds an empty cage and doesn't know where the bunny has disappeared.
Bizgeci: Pesniki (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5' / 1 award Awards
Pesniki is the 6th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca. It has received 1 award.
Kompozicija (2015)
Short Animated Film / 3' 34'' / 4 awards Awards
Nearly 35,000 lines, which create both image and sound, have been scratched onto 35mm film stock free-hand.
Bizgeci: Zaklad (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Zaklad is the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Bizgeci: Drvarji (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Drvarji is the 1st episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Lisica v lisičjem jeziku (2009)
Short Animated Film / 5' 52''
During a flood a vixen and a rabbit seek refuge in the vixen's den. Actually the vixen looks out for the rabbit, because the awakened maternal instinct in her overcomes her hunting instincts. Every day of the storm she consoles the rabbit: "The sun will shine again." After thirteen days that comes true and the sun rays awaken the rabbit. However, the vixen does not stir. She has starved for too long. Even today the rabbit keeps coming back to call the vixen: "The sun will shine again" are the only words he knows in the fox language.
Kurent (2021)
Short Animated Film / 7' / 6 awards Awards
A boy entering adolescence runs away from home in search of a local carnival.
Prebrisani Jurček (1961)
Short Animated Film / 9'
Georgie, a cunning baker’s apprentice, gives food to the partisans and helps them hide from the Germans. For his bravery, he is called to join the partisan’s ranks.
Koyaa: Razigrani avtomobilček (2017)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45'' / 1 award and 1 nomination Awards
On a rainy day, Koyaa decides to tidy up his room. He steps on a toy car, taking a crazy ride around. The toy starts acting naughty, refusing to park, but our clever Koyaa manages to outsmart it.
Avtoportret (2016)
Short Animated Film / 15' 45''
The director's view of the first three decades of his life.
Jurček stražar (1961)
Short Animated Film / 11'
Georgie is keeping watch over German soldiers, but they manage to escape. When a tank rolls in to help the escaped prisoners, Georgie defeats it with a cunning trick.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Poplava (2020)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are renovating their home and a dilapidating dam. Rosalia the Pig selflessly offers to help, and soon they manage to build a humongous dam. But when water floods the homes of forest animals, and even Ki-Ki-Do’s tower, it’s time to act!
Tako zraste ...: Polž (2020)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
A little animal is born. Soon, it has to go out looking for food to start growing: “nom, nom, nom…” The animal has to stay alert to avoid the predators: “take cover, beastie!” Days go by and the little animal is no longer so little. Now, adult, it keeps exploring the world on its own until it finds someone very special. A mate of its own kind! They fall in love and a new life cycle begins.
Podlasica (2016)
Short Animated Film / 11'
A Weasel roams a dreary land hungry, then walks upon the last tree standing, kept alive by a flock of mocking birds. The birds are what keeps the unstable tree in balance. The Weasel tries to climb up the rocking tree, but luckily for the birds, this takes obstinacy and many unsuccessful attempts.
Koyaa: Zmrzljivi šal (2017)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
Koyaa is getting ready to step outside into a cold winter day. He tries to grab his scarf off the clothes stand, but it slithers away like a snake, acting silly! Will Koyaa manage to grab it?
Dobrodošli doma (2011)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Dobrodošli doma is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Žan Dolinar, Urša Godina, Jan Hiršenfelder, Natalija Kosmač, Nikolaj Salaj and Andraž Simčič. It was produced by Zavod ZVVIKS.
Trus! ~ What Do You Do (2014)
Animated Music Video / 4'
This video is made by scratching and painting on Super 8 film.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Poskočno jajce (2020)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Poskočno jajce is the 14th episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Princ Ki-Ki-Do (2014). Featuring Violeta Tomič, Vojko Sfiligoj, Uroš Vuk. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by OZOR zavod za gibljive slike and RTV Slovenija.
Vrč rakov (2018)
Short Animated Film / 1'
The idea for the animation started when we were doing a project with a colleague and we were talking about his childhood. He was telling me in what circumstances he was living. He explained it through a metaphor of crabs in a bucket. When they are in the bucket they don’t help each other, instead, they are pulling each other down. And this is what ghetto means for him and how he sees it.
Maček Muri: Kosilo (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 11' 35''
“The Black Cat is haunted!” cries out Žane, the best cook in the Cat City. Mury and his friends bravely set out to find the mysterious ghost. It is also Missy’s birthday, and Mury has promised to take her for lunch. What will this feline gang cook up this time?
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Krt (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 5' / 1 award Awards
The Moles are celebrating Little Mole’s birthday. As a present, he gets his first mattock! Overjoyed, he decides to try it out right away. But youthful enthusiasm knows no limits, and the churned-up ground soon puts the life in the forest at risk. This is a case for Prince Ki-Ki-Do.
Pentola (2022)
Short Animated Film / 7' 12'' / 7 awards Awards
Pentola is a small middle-aged man who leaves his wife Titti for Batman.
Maček Muri: Rojstni dan (2013)
Animated TV Episode / 10'
Muri the Cat is one of those popular characters from the Slovenian children's literature that everybody has heard of. Muri and his fellows Macy the sleepy pussy, Chombe the thug and Mich the wise guy have delighted children, parents and all the young at heart for over thirty years. The music album, released in 1978, is another proof of these characters' popularity. It was the song from this album that inspired Dolenc to create Muri the Cat, an animated film depicting new adventures from the Feline Town. Muri finds himself in trouble because he forgot about Macy' birthday, and he is now under a lot of pressure to find the right gift for her. With the help of his friends he eventually manages to charm his hard-to-please gal.
Jurček v ječi (1964)
Short Animated Film / 10'
Adventures of little Georgie, his donkey and chimney sweepers that manage to trick Germans and bring bread from the village to the partisan camp.
Maček Muri: Ples (2023)
Animated TV Episode / 12' 55''
The Cat city is brimming with excitement due to the upcoming dance, but Muri and his gang fear that Mayor, with his clumsiness, will once again ruin their beautiful evening. Together, they hatch a plan to prevent this. A series of awkward and funny mishaps ensure that the task for the kittens is not simple. Will the heroes manage to save the dance and have an unforgettable evening?
Bližnje srečanje (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Each year, a planet full of monsters passes by another planet, inhabited by aliens. While the others hide in their homes in fear of alien visitors, young Pif still has to find his way home through the darkness.
Maček Muri: Sprehod (2016)
Animated TV Episode / 11'
Having invited Maca to lunch for her birthday, Muri heads into town. On his way to the main square of Cat City, he has a mishap and urgently requires help of the seamstress, Mica. She gives his case an emergency treatment, herself hoping for Muri and Maca to get together. However, there seems to be no end to complications: fleeing from policemen Mucelj and Macelj, bandit Čompe also comes rushing into her shop. What has he done this time?
Pobegli nos (2020)
Short Animated Film / 2'
A cutout-stop motion-animation, which deals with the problem of beauty in society, shown in an abstract way.
Tako zraste ...: Netopir (2020)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
A little animal is born. Soon, it has to go out looking for food to start growing: “nom, nom, nom…” The animal has to stay alert to avoid the predators: “take cover, beastie!” Days go by and the little animal is no longer so little. Now, adult, it keeps exploring the world on its own until it finds someone very special. A mate of its own kind! They fall in love and a new life cycle begins.
Legenda o Zlatorogu (2022)
Short Animated Film / 13' 35'' / 11 awards Awards
A hunter heads out to the mountains to mend his broken heart. On his way he can’t escape the visions of his lover who left him. As he loses his mind, his dark side comes to life. The shadow tells him to hunt down the mythical Goldhorn and ultimately leads him to his demise. Based on a Slovenian folktale, this is a story about greed and our relationship to nature.
7 na en mah (1952)
Short Animated Film / 11'
One day, a little tailor kills seven flies with one blow. The news of his “feat” spreads across the kingdom and now he must face the giant who is pestering the city’s inhabitants.
Tako zraste ...: Čebela (2022)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Flower to flower, that’s a busy bee’s life, who knows what their world is like in the hive. A small larva is growing inside a shell chewing her way out, while a ferocious hornet is out and about. On her first trip to the meadow, her very first flight, Mr Bumblebee spots her, and it is love at first sight.
Smešne živali (2019)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Our animals are really funny. Rhino loves juggling and baking pancakes with a bunny.
The dolphin likes to get a lipstick and watch the star hits. A dinosaur on his head wears his pants, a python for a snack eats an elephant. Swan and Frog practice aerobics together ...
Prdci - Vonj ljubezni (2006)
Short Animated Film / 7' / 1 award Awards
In a big important city in the middle of a big and important meeting a small and funny fart comes alive. A fart like no other – a bravefart. He finds himself surrounded with strange serious creatures with big noses and cannot understand why they don't like him and just relax. Naive as he is he has to put a brave face to find his place in the world of people.
Metum (2017)
Short Animated Film / 2' / 2 awards Awards
Metum is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a fantasy. It was produced by Zavod ZVVIKS. It has received 2 awards.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Skodelica čaja (2016)
Animated TV Episode / 14'
Being a superhero is anything but easy. Prince Ki-Ki-Do has three operations to complete before he can take his morning tea. This time, it was the happy-go-lucky pig Rozi to cause trouble in the forest. Prince Ki-Ki-Do first provides emergency medical services for the glutted pig Rozi and prescribes her exercise, then he builds her a trampoline so she would not disturb other forest inhabitants, and finally cushions her landing back on the Earth. By the time Prince Ki-Ki-Do can have his morning cup of tea, it is already sunset.
Peter Peter (2015)
Short Animated Film / 11'
Turning to the ancient wisdom of the Slovenian tale of Peter Klepec for a resolution in its dramatic twist, this modern story takes an original approach to balancing the present and the past, intertwining them with a lyrical narrative in verse inspired by contemporary rap music.
Slovenia Tourist & Anti-terrorist Guide (2013)
Short Animated Film / 10' 24'' / 1 award Awards
Slovenia Tourist & Anti-terrorist Guide is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a comedy and war. It was directed by Mitja Manček. It has received 1 award.
Boles (2013)
Short Animated Film / 12' 17'' / 24 awards Awards
One day Tereza, a prostitute, knocks on Filip’s door and asks him to write a love letter for her boyfriend Boles. Two weeks later she returns and asks Filip to write another love letter, this time in the name of Boles to her. Thus Filip finds out that Boles does not exist and refuses to write the letter.
The Tale of the Great Warrior (2018)
Short Animated-Fiction Film / 12'
Thomas is a terminally ill young father who stops in a bar for one final drink before taking his own life. When an old man starts telling him an epic tale of a warrior, Thomas feels that the strange story is speaking directly to him. But is it powerful enough to stop him from killing himself?
Mačka in miška (2019)
Short Animated Film / 3'
The cat uses the mouse for its own gain. The cat is feasting on stolen sausages. A hungry mouse notices this and decides to steal one of the sausages. The cat catches the mouse in the act and takes justice into it's own paws. The cat kills the mouse and frames it for the eaten sausages.
Lazarus (2021)
Short Animated Film / 24'
You enter a space that feels like a dream come true. But how do you then leave, how do you find a way out?
Kralj Matjaž (2018)
Short Animated Film / 11'
Kralj Matjaž is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Vladimir Jurc, Mojca Fatur. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Katarina Nikolov. It was produced by Iridium Film.
Tako zraste ...: Morski konjiček (2021)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Morski konjiček is the 2nd episode of the 3rd season of the Animated series Tako zraste ... (2018). Featuring Aleš Valič. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Miha F. Kalan and Jernej Žmitek. It was produced by Invida.
Meni ptič, tebi nič! (2015)
Short Animated Film / 2'
The tragic fate of a green sparrow reveals three pearls of wisdom about life.
Čikorja an' kafe (2008)
Short Animated Film / 8' / 13 awards Awards
This animated film, based on the song by Iztok Mlakar, follows the story of a simple peasant couple from their wedding to their death. The main thread of the story is a tiny deceit throughout their whole life, the wife has prepared a cheap coffee substitute (chicory) instead of real coffee for her husband. The husband, who is a brute and misanthrope, never sees through her deception, although everyone else knows. For him, the swill tastes better than the best coffee. A simple story about how we are unable to show our loved ones that we love them until it is too late.
Angel's Carol (2014)
Short Animated Film / 3' 20''
Angel's Carol is a British Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Rok Predin. It was produced by Trunk Animation and Fonic.
Flint&Ema (2023)
Short Animated Film / 8'
The first meeting of Flint and Ema happens in the middle of zebra crossing and so it is cut short by the red light. Afterwards, dreaming about each other motivates them to improve their self-image. Well, from the outside at least...
Kadilka (2020)
Short Animated Film / 2'
“A smoke break” takes us on a colourful journey of metamorphosis.
Mišja hiša (2022)
Short Animated Film / 8' 30'' / 1 award Awards
A mouse gets trapped in a big truckle of cheese. Busy munching its soft core, he forgets about his famished friend outside. Meanwhile, the cat is waiting…
Koyaa: Leteči zvezek (2017)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
Koyaa sits down to write in his workbook. When he opens it, the book springs to life, floating away like a butterfly! Koyaa runs after it, but it's too fast to catch... He needs a creative idea.
Kurir Nejček (1961)
Short Animated Film / 9'
During the day, Nejček tends cattle on a mountain and observes the movements of Nazi troops; at night, he reports to the partisans. The price of courage is his own life.
Bizgeci: Na Luno (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Na Luno is the 3rd episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Jake in Jen (2018)
Short Animated Film / 5'
Jake&Jen is a story about two suicidal teenagers who cross paths with each other on one fateful day when they both decide to end their lives.
Koyaa: Lajf je čist odbit (2011)
Animated TV Episode / 3' / 1 award Awards
Koyaa doesn't notice his shoelaces are untied, taking a clumsy fall. He ties them back together, but they untie and run away to boot, making a ruckus on the rocky ledge. Can Koyaa fix the kooky mess?
Azulejo ali vizualna iluzija (2013)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Azulejos show Lisbon before the great earthquake of 1775, the poetry of Fernando Pessoa with Mario Trovador's electric guitar in the background.
Klativitez (1962)
Short Animated Film / 11'
Vagabondknight finds an incomprehensible note and a dragon in front of an abandoned castle that gets a lot of visitors. The knight kills the monster, manages to read the note and finally gets very scared because the note says Dragon.
Ples ljubezni (2018)
Short Animated Film / 5' 38'' / 1 award Awards
Đulo falls in love with the Great Green Eye.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Begunec (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
In Ki-Ki-Do’s forest, a strange creature – a frightened long-necked Ostrich – is on the run from a ruthless hunter. As Rosalia the Pig fails to protect Ostrich, Prince Ki-Ki-Do is called to action! But Ki-Ki-Do has been hit by a tranquilizer gun and is sleeping like a baby. Ostrich seems to be doomed to spending the rest of its life behind bars…
Tako zraste ...: Jež (2023)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Jež is the 5th episode of the 3rd season of the Animated series Tako zraste ... (2018). It is defined as a children. It was directed by Miha F. Kalan and Jernej Žmitek. It was produced by Invida.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Sto nesrečnih gobic (2014)
Animated TV Episode / 4'
In a dark forest on top of a stone tower lives a small chick known as Prince Ki-Ki-Do, who is a fearless fighter for the rights of forest inhabitants. One day, his morning tea is interrupted by a desperate cry. Ki-Ki-Do and his friends, the tiger mosquitoes Tine and Bine, rush in to help. The wanton sow Rosalia is romping through the forest, toppling all the little mushrooms. Quick as a wink, the party manages to save all hundred of them.
Kitarist (1964)
Short Animated Film / 12'
Boy locks a famous singer in his room and goes on stage himself in order to help his dog, who has a toothache. The boy splits the money he collected with the singer and this way he pays for his dog’s visit at the dentist.
Tako zraste ...: Kozorog (2023)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
The animated film shows the ibex's life in the mountain landscape, its connection with nature, its interaction with other animals and the challenges it overcomes. Colorful animations and educational messages about protecting nature inspire children, who learn empathy and the importance of coexistence through adventures.
Povodni mož (2020)
Short Animated Film / 12'
Povodni mož is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Iva Lazar, Iva Lazar, Anže Perko. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Katarina Nikolov. It was produced by Iridium Film.
Potovanje na ladji Beagle - Pasavec (2013)
Short Animated Film / 11'
Armadillo is the first episode of short animated series The Voyage of the Beagle dedicated to the lesser known animals that Charles Darwin saw, examined meticulously and catalogued in his diary during his voyage with research vessel HMS Beagle. In the episode, the lead character tells of his travels across South America to find his brothers.
Babadizaba (2014)
Short Animated Film / 3'
The Babas are partying and having a good time, but then a meteor appears. They must destroy it in order to save the planet. Everyone is panicking, and the conflicting personalities of the three-headed Baba do little to ease the tension, quite the contrary.
Detelček (1973)
Short Animated Film / 9' 43''
Woodpecker, living happily in the colorful environment of nature, flying from one tree to another. One sunny morning strange things happen - the sounds of bulldozers and steel overflow all area. The woodpecker gets caught by one’s hand and is put in a cage.
Bard (2021)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Bard, a hunter living in the far north of Europe, goes hunting.
Claustrophilia (2014)
Short Animated Film / 5'
A short story about a recycled world of the dark future.
Bizgeci: Čas ljubezni (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Čas ljubezni is the 8th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Claynation Gives You Claymation (2018)
Short Animated Film / 5'
Anything can happen when clay comes to life.
Zimska zgodba (1962)
Short Animated Film / 9'
A black cat is chasing sparrow, a true friend of Snowman. With Snowman’s help the sparrow tricks and punishes the cat.
Zadnja minuta (2010)
Short Animated Film / 2' / 1 award Awards
Zadnja minuta is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Špela Čadež and Marina Rosset. It has received 1 award.
Borbike (2022)
Short Animated Film / 15' 5'' / 2 awards Awards
An ambitious but somewhat lazy photographer tries to survive in a big and expensive city. Hanging out at a posh party, she decides to radically change her life. Can she make it without killing anyone in the process?
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Zima (2017)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Zima is the 4th episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Princ Ki-Ki-Do (2014). Featuring Violeta Tomič, Uroš Vuk, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by OZOR zavod za gibljive slike.
Mehurčki (2019)
Short Animated Film / 5'
In the bed, grandma Francesca snores, next to her sit her grandchildren Gabriella and Christina. Gabriella offers some juice to Christina, but because she tilts the bottle too much, she pours Christina on the dress. In the kitchen, Gabriella wants to wash the bottle, but because of too much detergent, it causes soap bubbles. In bubbles begin to show the various fantasy events. In the kitchen, a flood soon ensues. The noise from the kitchen awakens the grandma. She immediately rushes into the kitchen. Gabriella looks terrified at Grandma for what she's going to do.
Tako zraste ...: Martinček (2023)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
The central theme of this animated children's film is the life and growing up of a lizzard in an environment where playfulness can unexpectedly turn into fear, as he finds himself in danger and has to run away from the cat. By closely following his adventures, children learn details about the living environment, habits and diet of these interesting animals.
Koyaa: Presneta odeja (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45'' / 1 award Awards
It’s Halloween and Koyaa is sleeping, tucked in a warm blanket. In the middle of the night, the restless covers start quaking and quivering, and just like that, Koyaa is flying around. It will take an ingenious idea to get him out of this mess.
Krtek Vrtek na travniku (2017)
Short Animated Film / 4'
Krtek Vrtek na travniku is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža.
Pok (2017)
Short Animated Film / 4'
Pok is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Rok Predin. It was produced by Trunk Animation.
Slovo (2016)
Short Animated Film / 5' 50'' / 7 awards Awards
Tired and sad, Lovro fills his bathtub. His gaze drifts to a drop of water rolling slowly out of the tap. As it hits the water, it reminds him of the day he and his grandpa first went fishing. Memories take him back to the pond, the sounds and objects in the bathroom bringing to mind small details of the day: putting a worm on the hook, grandpa catching his chin, them driving to the pond in a car with a hole in the chassis, him catching his first fish and seeing it die. Memories and reality merge into one.
Napredek (2012)
Short Animated Film / 5' 22'' / 2 awards Awards
Napredek is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Mitja Manček. It has received 2 awards.
Družina prstov (2020)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Fingers are laughing. The ball flies. Teeth are lost and so are family ties.
Wanted (2012)
Short Animated Film / 10' / 1 award Awards
The first Slovenian animated Western Wanted combines the traditional Slovenian countryside with the Wild West.
Hribci: Zajtrk (1993)
Animated TV Episode / 6'
Zajtrk is the 1st episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Hribci (1993). It is defined as a children. It was directed by Marjan Manček. It was produced by DZS - Državna založba slovenije.
Dvorišče (2006)
Short Animated Film / 24' 33'' / 3 awards Awards
A small block of flats with a small courtyard. Children play basketball and the mean neighbour Lazar finds it very disturbing. But not everything is as it seems to be, take a look at the life from the other side.
Pogovor brez konca (2020)
Short Animated Film / 5' / 1 award Awards
Five-hour Conversation explores a blind person’s view of the world from their own perspective.
Bizgeci: Nogomet (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Nogomet is the 7th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Bizgeci: Češnje (2003)
Animated TV Episode / 5' / 1 award Awards
Češnje is the 1st episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca and Studio Maj. It has received 1 award.
Cipercoper (2014)
Short Animated Film / 16' / 2 awards Awards
One Monday morning Messy and Ruffles unanimously agreed they would rather go on an adventurous search for their lost magic cat Spotty than to boring school and fearful dentist Dr. DeCay. On zippity-­‐zappity path through time and space, they come across a nerdy neighbor Smarty, a great connoisseur of magic potions, who is brewing his newest potion according to an ancient recipe. Smarty joins the two little witches after the unpredictable course of events and unforgettable "zippity-­‐zappity" journey full of challenges and complexities that arise in the Ljubljana city streets begins. The world of magic is governed by different rules than the normal world: if you do not like Monday, you can easily jump into Tuesday, put a spell on an evil neighbor, shorten the stretched road and even kick out the crankiness. But even great witches can not avoid dentists forever, not even with magic.
Šik bik (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Šik bik is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža.
Escape Velocity (2013)
Short Animated Film / 3'
1960’s, the golden age for astronauts, the time of Moon travel. An astronaut on his way into space. A child wanting to grow up, to be an astronaut like his father.
Puta in Petelinček (2019)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Puta in Petelinček is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Amadeja Kirbiš, Jošt Šeško, Vid Cerjak. It was directed by Larisa Nagode, Anja Resman, Žad Soklič and Jošt Šeško. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG.
Zasukanec (2004)
Short Animated Film / 6' 43'' / 1 award Awards
The daily routine in the tailor shop is so turbulent that it is sometimes necessary to improvise, but fantasy and spontaneity are not always enough. When the tailor is alone, he lets his thoughts do the work. But what happens when love comes into play, and his thoughts can no longer be controlled?
Eggsercize (2015)
Short Animated Film / 5'
Four hens live at a secluded farm together with a sleepy rooster and a grumpy old dog. A female farmer looks after the farm and the animals. But the hens are not very good at laying eggs, and they are upset for not being able to help the farmer. Soon, they find a solution: music and exercise.
Steakhouse (2021)
Short Animated Film / 10' / 14 awards Awards
The steak has been marinating for a few days now. The pan is heated. Franc’s stomach is rumbling. But Liza’s co-workers surprise her with a birthday party. Will she be home on time?
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Steklofon (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
In the forest, animals come across an object they have never seen before – a bottle. As it turns out to be a very useful thing, each animal wants to have it for itself. After a fierce fight breaks out between Mouse, Owl and Rosalia the Pig, Prince Ki-Ki-Do selflessly quits cooking his lunch, rushing to help together with mosquitos Tine and Bine.
Running Out of Time (2018)
Short Animated Film / 1' 48''
A small charger robot wakes up from beneath a pile of post-its with beeping from a phone with a low battery. It needs to rush and charge it, but there are several obstacles in the desk to get there. After climbing a pile of books, he finds a ball, which he uses to bounce around and finally reach the phone and charge it in time.
Mlaka brez vode (2018)
Short Animated Film / 4'
Mlaka brez vode is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža.
Selgor ~ Calling My Existence (2024)
Animated Music Video / 4' 31''
The music video and song are about the authors self-exploration and search for his meaning of existence through a phone call to his dreamworld.
Abuzz (2014)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Is TV haunted? A story that reveals something unusual happening at night.
Bizgeci: Zimske radosti (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Zimske radosti is the 12th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Mariana Abrunheiro ~ Maria - Gata (2014)
Animated Music Video / 5'
Animated musical film. Mariana Abrunheiro – Maria Gata.
Žaba (2016)
Short Animated Film / 1'
As on any other ordinary working way, Frog takes its car and goes to work.
Martin Krpan (2017)
Short Animated Film / 25'
Back in the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a man of extraordinary strength named Martin Krpan lived in the village of Vrh by the Holy Trinity. He made a living by transporting, with the help of his mare, English salt from Trieste inland. As this was illegal, the Emperor's men were always hot on his trail. But when Vienna was attacked by Brdavs, a brutal warrior, Krpan was summoned to help. With his cunning and ingenuity, Krpan defeated Brdavs and saved Vienna. After a minor convolution regarding the reward the Emperor ultimately gave Krpan a special permit to legally traffic in salt.
Zvezdica zaspanka (1965)
Animated Film / 68'
The godfather Moon sends careless and unpunctual Sleepy Star to the Earth. Sleepy Star meets the robber Ripper whose heart is made of stone. After a series of incidents Sleepy Star manages to find the bandit’s true heart and finally gets to return to the starlit sky.
Super Žirafa Pika Flika (2019)
Short Animated Film / 3'
The Pika-Flika giraffe loves adventures but she is also very resourceful, smart, and likes to help others. At one of her broomstick flights, she rescues other animals. In the end, the hedgehog, bee, butterfly, and mouse fly together to Jupiter to the giraffe's home. The animation was based on a poem created by children together with poet Andreja Štepec in several workshops.
Potovanje na ladji Beagle - Ljubezen Galapaške želve (2017)
Short Animated Film / 11'
Potovanje na ladji Beagle - Ljubezen Galapaške želve is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Igor Žužek, Nina Valič, Matija Vastl. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Jernej Lunder. It was produced by Invida.
Mulci: Abortus (2014)
Short Animated-Fiction Film / 12'
Pilot for a modern youth TV series approaching the film medium in a fresh way by combining live action with animated comments of the main character, young Saša, who is faced with the ultimate female question.
Vojna besed ali spoštljiva tišina (2020)
Short Animated Film / 2' / 1 award Awards
Vojna besed ali spoštljiva tišina is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Leo Černic. It was produced by Kinoatelje. It has received 1 award.
Fundamentalizem (2019)
Short Animated Film / 7' / 1 award Awards
recruit fresh blood. The film shows, in no uncertain terms, the dark side of all the major as well as minor globally established religious groups. Using specific examples, it makes the viewer ponder the role and importance of organized religions in the modern world.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Prva Pomoč (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Prva Pomoč is the 8th episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Princ Ki-Ki-Do (2014). Featuring Vojko Sfiligoj, Violeta Tomič, Uroš Vuk. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by OZOR zavod za gibljive slike.
Narezano življenje (2019)
Short Animated Film / 0' 31'' / 1 award Awards
The film is an autobiography through slicing. Sometimes life slices us, sometimes we slice it, what has to be cut off in life?
Spacapufi (2021)
Short Animated Film / 12' / 2 awards Awards
Spuffies have a serious thing for jubees. When they've eaten the last delicious fruit and hunger is about to strike, they head to the old Poofler's place through the murky forest. There they meet and befriend a Spider who shows them the way to the jubee grove. Poofler teaches the Spuffies all the secrets of eating and growing jubees. The Spider uses his many legs to help cultivating the grove and planting new jubees.
Koyaa: Izmuzljivi papir (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45'' / 2 awards Awards
Koyaa wants to paint, but his sheet of paper suddenly bends over, folding into a paper airplane and taking off. Koyaa chases after it as it keeps transforming into various shapes. This is no easy challenge for Koyaa!
Last Lunch (2011)
Short Animated Film / 4' / 1 award Awards
Last Lunch is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a comedy. It was directed by Miha Šubic. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG and Filmsko društvo Film Factory. It has received 1 award.
Tako zraste ...: Krt (2021)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Krt is the 1st episode of the 3rd season of the Animated series Tako zraste ... (2018). Featuring Aleš Valič. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Miha F. Kalan and Jernej Žmitek. It was produced by Invida.
Just Keep Breathing (2023)
Short Animated Film / 6' 15'' / 1 award Awards
Victor is stuck in a claustrophobic cabin of a low-budget airliner next to an inconsiderate and intrusive stranger. The crackling candy wrapper, the sickening sound of chewing, oh, Victor just wants some peace. Wait, is she offering him a candy? But Victor isn't hungry! There's no escape, thirty-five thousand feet in the air, so just keep breathing.
Kar od nekod (2018)
Short Animated Film / 6' / 1 award Awards
In the middle of a hot desert and on the deserted roads we have our street worker Tone, who is fixing reflector on the side of the road. Out of the blue, an Unknown Flying Object flies by and crashes into the sand. Out of it, he jumps a small alien who angrily tries to fix his broken space ship. Tone offers him help, but the alien misunderstands him and believes that he is trying to steal his ship. The story ends with lasers.
Firbec (2016)
Short Animated Film / 3' / 1 award Awards
Firbec is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Iza Sofia Barlović, Jerca Brcar, Arne Vitja Brezar, Brina Čadež, Ian Matija Drnovšek, Živa Gerbec, Julian Lovro Kotnik, Jakob Lah, Zala Lajevec, Žiga Lajevec, Trista Lučić Tegelj, Tine Marinko, Val Merkač, Leo Mešinović, Izabel Novak Šarotar, Ana Planinc, Julija Ševerkar, Neža Štular, Hana Valcl and Zala Zobavnik. It was produced by KUD Mreža and Vrtec Vodmat. It has received 1 award.
Civilizacija (2018)
Short Animated Film / 4' 59''
The film examines the past of civilization and foretells the future.
Wood Fall (2021)
Short Animated Film / 1' 30''
Wood Fall is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Matija Ternovec. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG.
Bizgeci: Krotilec (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Krotilec is the 5th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Money and Happiness (2022)
Short Animated Film / 9' 48'' / 3 awards Awards
Hamsters live and work in Hamsterland, a perfect state with a perfect economy. The GDP grows steadily, there is no unemployment, and 100% of the population declare themselves to be happy.
Bizgeci: Ribolov (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Ribolov is the 4th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Stol in Stolica (2012)
Short Animated Film / 2'
The mating habits of chairs.
Koyaa: Plešoče nogavice (2017)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
Koyaa wakes up to a new day. He tries putting on a warm pair of socks, but there's a problem – they go wacky, run away and hide! Koyaa manages to catch one. Can he get the other, too?
Elsie (2020)
Short Animated Film / 5' / 1 award Awards
Tonight in the mansion, the children are home alone. They fearfully listen to the eldest sister’s awful tale: “When the moon is full, all children should be sound asleep in their beds, for when the clock strikes midnight, the time stands still. A sleepless child who does not stand still with the time, shall be eaten by their shadow… ALIVE!” Poor little Elsie cannot fall asleep, as her sister’s words are almost making her weep…
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Potres (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Potres is the 9th episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Princ Ki-Ki-Do (2014). Featuring Vojko Sfiligoj, Violeta Tomič, Uroš Vuk. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by OZOR zavod za gibljive slike.
Daljave (2022)
Short Animated Film / 56'
Daljave is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Tom Veber. It was directed by Kaja Rakušček. It was produced by DZMP - Luksuz produkcija.
Le grand macabre (2005)
Animated Video Film / 104' / 1 award Awards
Le Grand Macabre is an experimental film made after the audio recording of the opera with the same name, recorded live in Paris, Theatre du Chatelet, in February 1998. The composer György Ligeti, a contemporary classical avant-garde author, who made a strong impression on music itself, also enriched the field of film with unforgettable passages in the Kubrick's Odyssey 2001, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Pošast iz močvirja (2014)
Animated TV Episode / 5' / 1 award Awards
The inhabitants of a swamp are banished from their homes by a horrible howling monster. They seek help and shelter in the tower of Prince Ki-Ki-Do. Prince Ki-Ki-Do and his faithful friends Tine and Bine fearlessly fly into the murky swamp to confront the monster. The fog conceals many secrets and it just so turns out that the monster is in fact an out-of-tune choir ...
Lovorika (2021)
Short Animated Film / 3' / 12 awards Awards
Lovorika is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Mitja Manček. It was directed by Mitja Manček. It was produced by Mitja Manček - avtor stripov, filmski animator, režiser, oblikovalec in producent. It has received 12 awards.
Princ Ki-Ki-Do: Superdo (2018)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
One morning, a strange bird called Superdo lands in Ki-Ki-Do’s forest. Dressed up as a superhero, he flies with the help of jet-propelled boots. With dangerous fraud and soapy charm, he conquers the hearts of the forest inhabitants. It seems that Prince Ki-Ki-Do has become entirely superfluous in his own forest.
Interakcije (2019)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Interakcije is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Anamari Hribar, Sara Jagodic, Ema Kokalj, Marcel Kovačič, Patricija Krmelj, Nina Mihelič, Klara Primožič, Sara Salonen, Kristian Vahtar Ivanšek, Urban Vidonja, Luka Zakrajšek, Pia Zorič and Kaja Žnidaršič. It was produced by Zavod ZVVIKS.
Beard Up (2015)
Short Animated Film / 4'
A modern fantasy city is home to various fairytale creatures, who are very much in touch with the latest fashion trends. While a new trend is emerging, the elves persistently shave their beards and arrogantly mock the hairy dwarves. One day, one of the dwarves decides shaving is too inconvenient, and refuses to do it.
Pikapolonica hoče odrasti (2012)
Short Animated Film / 12' / 1 award Awards
Pikapolonica hoče odrasti is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Miha Knific. It was produced by Shakemoon. It has received 1 award.
Mali princ (2014)
Short Animated-Documentary-Fiction Film / 16' / 1 award Awards
Luka is a 12 year old boy with muscular dystrophy. His body is growing weaker, limiting his range of movements and strength. Luka does not shut his eyes to his fate, nor is he completely resigned to it. He wants neither self-pity nor sympathy. He draws a balloon, which takes him to an imaginary animated world. There, the magic of cinema makes anything possible.
Koyaa: Spolzko milo (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
Koyaa wants to wash his muddy hands, but the slippery soap is making it really wacky. To keep the soap bar in his hands, he has to juggle it, skate on it and play hockey. Will he even manage?
Orange is the New Black: Unraveled (2017)
Short Animated Video Film / 4' / 1 award Awards
Orange is the New Black: Unraveled is a Slovenian Short Animated Video Film. Featuring Mojca Funkl, Karin Komljanec, Maruša Majer. It was directed by Špela Čadež. It was produced by Finta Film. It has received 1 award.
Rhythm of the Soul (2020)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Rhythm of the Soul is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was directed by Ece Horasanli. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG.
Koyaa: Vztrajne nalepke (2017)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
Koyaa wants to paste some stickers to a window. As he does, pressing hard with his fingers, they keep unsticking by themselves, scattering and floating around. He needs another great idea!
Tako zraste ...: Metulj (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
A little animal is born. Soon, it has to go out looking for food to start growing: “Nom, nom, nom…” The animal has to stay alert to avoid the predators: “Take cover, beastie!” Days go by and the little animal is no longer so little. Now, adult, it keeps exploring the world on its own until it finds someone very special. A mate of its own kind! They fall in love and a new life cycle starts.
Metod Banko ~ Pism od Džonija (2016)
Animated Music Video / 2' 13''
Pism od Džonija is a Slovenian Animated Music Video. Featuring Metod Banko, Teo Collori, Janez Ramoveš. It was directed by Filip Bihar, Rawan Hourani, Sandra Jovanovska, Špela Lutman, Miha Oven, Anne Elisabeth Tassel and Tina Zadnik. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG.
Bizgeci: Na jug (2003)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Na jug is the 2nd episode of the 1st season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca and Studio Maj.
Short Animated Film / 3'
tHE mARRY jESUS gALAXY is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. Featuring Asja Trost, Inês Sambas, Mery Gobec. It was directed by Mery Gobec, Sandra Jovanovska, Inês Sambas and Asja Trost. It was produced by Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici - AU UNG.
Ta presneta očetova kamera! (2021)
Short Animated Film / 7'
A reckless boy in an almost desperate and therefore troublesome way persistently seeks the attention of his father - photographer. Being confronted with his father’s artistic chaos and his obsessive fascination for photography-life, on his way of growing up these elements eventually become essential for strengthening their father-son bond.  In a story that intertwines hand-drawn and stop animation in the collage technique, the author takes his audience on a ride through the archive of the Slovenian photographer Dragiša Modrinjak, and at the same time draws from personal experience as a filmmaker and father.
Burekwood (2011)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Burekwood is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Zavod ZVVIKS.
Origami (2014)
Short Animated Film / 3'
A soldering helping hand is making origami. While working on the third one, the lamp with its sudden moves causes an accident. Because the lamp and the helping hand stand in a position for the ray of light from the lamp to pass through the lens, the paper origami catches fire. The helping hand stops short, disappointed. Meanwhile, the lamp starts looking for a solution.
Za zaprtimi roletami (2020)
Short Animated Film / 3' / 3 awards Awards
A grumpy monster, posing as a human, is trapped in an endless cycle. He works constantly and has no free time. After work, he goes to a club…
Deux (2023)
Short Animated Film / 3' 30''
Deux is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as an experimental. It was directed by Mitja Manček.
Bizgeci: Zobobol (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Zobobol is the 10th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Koyaa: Poskočna radirka (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
Koyaa draws some lovely bunnies on a piece of paper and frames it. As he’s about to put his eraser away, it jumps up and starts charging around. Koyaa needs a quick solution for the jumpy mayhem.
Gumb za posebne dosežke (2016)
Short Animated Film / 2' / 1 award Awards
Gumb za posebne dosežke is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Silvana Abazovska, Lana Altbauer Breskvar, Arijana Baltić, Iza Božič, Stefan Đokić, Nika Garaševič, Zelma Gyorey, Nik Filip Kopitar, Pino Kovač, Stefan Maksimovič, Tilen Pohole Malis, Brin Poljak, Lucian Požlep, Lana Predanič, Ramajana Ramić, Marko Rigler and Lana Sonič. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža. It has received 1 award.
Lačna usta (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Lačna usta is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It is defined as a children. It was produced by Vrtec Vodmat and KUD Mreža.
Koyaa: Roža (2013)
Animated TV Episode / 3' 35'' / 1 award Awards
Koyaa wants to take advantage of the beautiful sunny morning and do some gardening, but not everything goes according to plan. The flower he plants will not grow at first. Then, under the influence of music, it turns into a flesh-eating monster and tries to devour him. However, with Raven's help Koyaa gains control over the ferocious flower.
Koyaa: Vesele vilice (2019)
Animated TV Episode / 2' 45''
Koyaa is having a picnic. When all is set and he wants to stab his fork into a juicy tomato, the utensil starts zigging and zagging around. To catch it, Koyaa needs a brilliant idea!
Gospod Filodendron in jablana (2017)
Short Animated Film / 6' 30''
Mr. Philodendron sits in front of his house on a pleasant sunny morning. He wants to have a glass of water, but he sadly finds it empty. In his innocent way of seeing things he tries to catch the cloud to get some water, and instead crashes into the Apple Tree.
Bizgeci: Koruza (2006)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
Koruza is the 11th episode of the 2nd season of the Animated series Bizgeci (2003). Featuring Marjan Bunič, Vojko Sfiligoj. It is defined as a children. It was directed by Grega Mastnak. It was produced by Casablanca.
Unpacked (2013)
Short Animated Film / 2'
In a dreamland, there is a mix-up at the postoffice, resulting in a series of unfortunate events. Instead of the typical elements fundamental for their roles the fairytale characters get something completely different. The land is plunged into chaos – who is behind all this?
Hobotnica banana mišmaš (2023)
Short Animated Film / 7' 40'' / 2 awards Awards
Lively and varied journey through the lives of Mila and Mara is a colorful adventure of two quite different life paths, that over the decades stays enriched and driven by sisterhood love.
Liliana (2019)
Short Animated Film / 7' / 4 awards Awards
Young Liliana is the epitome of perseverance, dedication, and hard work, traits strengthened by her burning desire to achieve her goal. Unfolding beyond time and space, this poetic tale nostalgically takes us back in time.
Gospod Oblak (2019)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Gospod Oblak is a Slovenian Short Animated Film. It was produced by Zavod ZVVIKS.
Kovček (1968)
Short Animated Film / 10'
Two men fighting over a suitcase to discover its content. At the end the smaller guy lets the bigger one have the suitcase. They are both surprised when they open it. Inside there are another two men with another suitcase and the whole story repeats.
Babičino seksualno življenje (2021)
Short Animated-Documentary Film / 13' / 46 awards Awards
Four old women reflect on their memories of old times, when they were young and when the relationships between men and women were very different. Their voices merge into one single voice, that of Grandmother Vera, who tells her story in proper detail. A trip into the grandmother’s youth and the memories of her intimate life illustrate the status of Slovenian women in the first half of the 20th century.
Preveč (2019) (II)
Short Animated Film / 6'
A sleepy and lazy young bee does not follow the lesson. Because of her irresponsibility, she makes a mistake from which she learns an important lesson.
Soma (2019)
Short Animated Film / 10' / 3 awards Awards
We thought we were made of dust, but in fact, we are just spirit. Situated in a strange, trashy universe, the story revolves around two creatures. A taxidermist and a butcher. The butcher gets the taxidermist hooked on his drugs, which he offers as an alleged cure for the taxidermist’s disease. The taxidermist becomes a junkie and gives away the most precious love to the butcher in exchange for more drugs. After realizing what he did, he goes to take what belongs to him, but the path ahead is a one-way journey.
Poljubi mehka me radirka (1984)
Short Animated Film / 6' / 2 awards Awards
A new combination of a drawing put in a classical artistic space and of surrealist contents arising from metaphors and associations. Classical cartoon heroes are swapped with their animated movements and silhouettes.
Tako zraste ...: Riba (2020)
Animated TV Episode / 5'
A little animal is born. Soon, it has to go out looking for food to start growing: “nom, nom, nom…” The animal has to stay alert to avoid the predators: “take cover, beastie!” Days go by and the little animal is no longer so little. Now, adult, it keeps exploring the world on its own until it finds someone very special. A mate of its own kind! They fall in love and a new life cycle begins.
Liebeskrank (2007)
Short Animated Film / 8' 40'' / 1 award Awards
Pain from the heart, never drying tears and turned around heads are difficult to treat, but fortunately not incurable.