Babičino seksualno življenje
- Short Animated-Documentary Film
- 13'
- 2021
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Four old women reflect on their memories of old times, when they were young and when the relationships between men and women were very different. Their voices merge into one single voice, that of Grandmother Vera, who tells her story in proper detail. A trip into the grandmother’s youth and the memories of her intimate life illustrate the status of Slovenian women in the first half of the 20th century.
Gallery (12)
Credits order
Costume design
Sound design
Production department
Sound department
Visual effects
Casting department
Animation department
Post production/editorial department
technical services
important awards
Italian: Per il suo valore politico e documentario: il cortometraggio fornisce uno sguardo autentico sul passato attraverso le preziose e toccanti testimonianze raccolte, evidenziando come le sfumature della s3ssu@lità e le aspettative di genere si siano evolute nel corso degli anni.
“Režiserka v središče svojih zgodb postavlja ženske, s prepletanjem različnih form – animacije, fikcije ter različnih oblik eksperimentalnih tehnik ustvarja hibridne vizualne pripovedi. Pri svojem delu se ne boji biti kritična in angažirana in tako iz njenih del veje kritični premislek o družbeni realnosti ter želja, da bi s svojim delom opominjala ter opozarjala. S svojim delovanjem in uspehi pomembno prispeva k prepoznavnosti slovenskega animiranega filma širom po svetu.”
All winners of the European competition are added to the longlist of the Academy Awards and they receive €1,500. Also, they can get their DCP Mastering service of Go Short’s partner Green DCP.
This provocative animated film confronts deeply rooted taboo topics in a shape of a trustful conversation between different generations. The past is current. Some forms of torture can still be discreet and ignored, and while the story takes place in Slovenia, it makes us pay attention to what’s going on in the contemporary world. The director found a loving witty way to discuss serious issues. The Special Mention in the Confrontations Competition goes to Granny’s Sexual Life by Émilie Pigeard and Urška Djukić.
The International Jury wanted to award the Grand Prix to a story with powerful symbolic imagery depicting the unspoken and brutal truth of domestic violence against women.
Slovene: To je zelo ustvarjalen, duhovit in močan film o tem, kako so babice doživljale spolno življenje. Je zanimiv, z inteligentno in duhovito animacijo in ima močan in osredotočen konec.
Engaged, daring, provocative, highly imaginative, Granny’s Sexual Life is immaculate in interweaving different elements of expression. The outstandingly crafted animations form a counterpoint to the brutal testimonies, opening a dark abyss of civil-historical dimensions. Balancing the weight of the topic with matter-of-fact voiceover delivery and tragic-comic animation language, the film creates a new space in which the experience of this centuries old tale becomes visceral. A potent combination that stays in the body and the mind. Simply excellent!”
An universally valid story that goes beyond all frontiers. The simplicity and the drawings – almost childish – perfectly narrates the subject.
2ANNAS jury members were fascinated by the depiction of women’s role, often stigmatized in Slovenian society at the beginning of the 20th century, also highly evaluated the contrasting juxtaposition of witty animation and the archive material.
Award for the powerful use of animation as a storytelling tool and the courageous and sensible way of approaching a meaningful and challenging theme.”
In the film, four women reminisce about old times when they were young. Reality is reduced to a handful of lines, similarly to Viktor Kubal's work, and perfect animation depicts the bleak life of women at the beginning of the twentieth century. The theme of the film is still relevant in many countries.
"Film je ujel izjemno pomembne zgodbe, ki že dolgo let niso bile predstavljene ali pa dovolj glasno povedane. Močnim in vznemirljivim pričevanjem žensk sledijo preproste risbe, ki na celovit način ustrezajo surovemu jeziku in brutalnosti njihovega spolnega življenja. Moč te animacije ni le v pomembnosti vsebine, temveč tudi v dobro premišljeni obliki."
To a film which handles the themes womanhood and memory with bold choices of filmmaking. It’s hard to believe that just two generations ago women’s identity was so ignored. And it still is: that’s why it’s a film which needs to be seen.
Kratek, angažiran, subtilen in ironičen film povzame polpretekle tabuje o ženski seksualnosti. V senci mogočnega podjetja cerkve je bil seks namejen zgolj reprodukciji. Bog ne daj užitka. Naše babice se še spomnijo suhosti in hitrosti oplojevanja. Ob vzkliku »kakšen orgazem neki« se babica v animiniranem filmu žmohtno spušča v užitek. Naj živijo babičini orgazmi!
Italian: Per la potente e singolare esplorazione, attraverso la forma del documentario animato, del rapporto con la sessualità delle donne slovene nella prima metà del Novecento. Le due registe, con un esuberante, esplosivo e fecondo uso dell’animazione, rievocano la costrizione, l’abuso, l’impossibilità di vivere una sessualità indipendente dagli uomini. La nonna del titolo diventa la nonna di tutte e di tutti, in un processo di simbolizzazione dei rapporti di potere del maschile sul femminile con cui tutti noi dobbiamo confrontarci.
Vesno za posebne dosežke podeljujemo tenkočutnemu animiranemu filmu Babičino seksualno življenje, ki prikaže kratek izlet v zgodovino intimnosti podeželske babice. Avtorica se teme loteva na angažiran in ironičen način, z enostavno in učinkovito risbo ter fotografijo. Gre za ganljivo dokumentarno pripoved s ščepcem satiričnega humorja. Posebni dosežek vidimo v domiselni strukturi filma in odličnem načinu pripovedovanja, ki subtilno razgrinja tabu temo naše polpretekle zgodovine.
To a film which handles the themes womanhood and memory with bold choices of filmmaking. It’s hard to believe that just two generations ago women’s identity was so ignored. And it still is: that’s why it’s a film which needs to be seen.
This film was incredibly powerful and thought provoking. The perfect combination of a challenging topic presented in a playful style. It’ll be one of those films we will always remember.
Open (Online) Jury Award in the section Vedoanimato
We decided to give the prize for the BEST BALKAN FILM to a short movie that impressed all of us in the jury with its explosive power: “GRANNY’S SEXUAL LIFE” by URŠKA DJUKIĆ, ÉMILIE PIGEARD. We want to reward the courage of the authors to give back a voice to the women that didn’t have it in the past. All this through a provocative artwork that sews together images, animations, and sounds, into a crescendo of emotions for a greater political demand. It invites all of us to reflect on the privilege of narration, self-representation, and liberty in the arts, denied to a lot of people, in the past, and in some cases, also today.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Lilijana Nedič, Rok Biček, Rok Sečen, Tina Smrekar (alternate) Explication
Relevantna in univerzalna tematika o ne tako davni realnosti predvsem ženske seksualnosti na slovenskem podeželju, podana skozi zanimivo formo animiranega dokumentarca na osnovi priljubljene knjige Milene Miklavčič ""Ogenj, rit in kače niso za igrače"". Režiserka je iz knjige izbrala nekaj odlomkov, ki na slikovit način opisujejo razmerja naših prednikov ter ustvarijo sliko tedanjega odnosa do ženske seksualnosti. Dramaturški potencial scenarija, predvsem animiranega dela, je prepričljiv, vendar še ne povsem izkoriščen. Ponoven razmislek najverjetneje zahteva tudi dramaturška umeščenost dokumentarno-igranega začetka in konca filma v celostno filmsko pripoved.
Zaradi aktualnosti teme in svežega avtorskega pristopa ima film velik potencial tako za slovenski kot mednarodni prostor.
Ocena likovne zasnove je podana na osnovi priložene dokumentacije. Predvidena je groba črtna risba, ki deluje skoraj kot otroška risba in ki bi naj na humoren način prikazala težko realnost tistega časa.
Contact the editors
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