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Staragara stands as one of the most dynamic and renowned Slovenian film production companies, boasting significant turnover and a robust portfolio of diverse projects in various stages of development and production. Over the past two decades, we've assembled a cohesive production team, drawing from the finest talents among Slovenian and regional directors. Our journey has witnessed the establishment of a formidable lineup and an extensive network of collaborators spanning former Eastern Europe and the broader European landscape. As a delegate
Staragara stands as one of the most dynamic and renowned Slovenian film production companies, boasting significant turnover and a robust portfolio of diverse projects in various stages of development and production. Over the past two decades, we've assembled a cohesive production team, drawing from the finest talents among Slovenian and regional directors. Our journey has witnessed the establishment of a formidable lineup and an extensive network of collaborators spanning former Eastern Europe and the broader European landscape. As a delegate producer, Staragara has contributed to the creation of nine feature films, each representing a pinnacle of cinematic achievement. Additionally, our involvement in numerous minority co-productions has led to premieres at prestigious international film festivals such as Venice, Cannes, San Sebastian, Rotterdam, Locarno, Tallinn, IDFA, Sarajevo, and Tribeca. This rich tapestry of experiences underscores our commitment to excellence and innovation in the world of filmmaking.
Filmography (54)
production (53)
distribution (9)
important awards
With the help of Slovenian co-producers Miha Černec and Jožko Rutar, Hanna Slak has created, in Germany and with German actors, an exquisite intimate drama about a mother and a son, about repressed and unspoken things waiting to resurface.
Film Mož brez krivde že od prvega kadra eksponira samodestrukcijo slovenske manjšine v zamejstvu, kar, prepleteno z ekološko noto ter močjo in brezbrižnostjo kapitala, rezultira v vsesplošni skupni pogubi. Četudi je dogajanje postavljeno v zamejstvo Italije, lahko problematiko preslikamo na katerokoli od naših manjšin. Temi neskrbi za lasten jezik in kulturo ter podjarmljenosti večini sta dramaturško izvrstno razpeti skozi naracijo in oblikovanje likov, kar je podprto z izjemno tenkočutno estetiko in izpovednimi kadri. Pomnite: prah dihamo – dihamo prah.
Prize worth 5,000 euros, including 1,000 euros in kind from CinePostproduction
»Zgodbo Jezdecev lahko osebno doživijo na vseh kontinentih, brez kakršnegakoli poznavanja konteksta družbene realnosti regije, kar je zelo pomembno za našo mednarodno žirijo kritikov«.
Povprečna ocena: 4,52
Prefinjen vpogled v človeške odnose z minimalnimi sredstvi doseže čustven vtis, ki vabi v spekter različnih razumevanj. Obrazi v filmu so eksotični pejsaži, ki se jih ne naveličamo, igra je minimalistična, sporočilnost je neulovljiva, a hkrati precizna. Med pošvedranimi čevlji na tleh in lupingi na nebu tavajo izgubljeni čas in zamujene priložnosti. Jesen prihaja.
For its great narrative economy and mature vision and for trying to hide all the mysteries of life in its images.
The memory of someone who passed away circulating, within a community, as a thin and discreet thread, becomes the motif for a beautiful portrait of human fragility and its poetic force.
Giving birth to a child is the strongest thing a woman can ever do in her live. It is painful, it is disturbing and it sets out emotions you never thought could exist.
After giving birth the instinct of motherly love often does not come directly, it needs a minute, an hour, a day, a week or maybe longer… a mother needs time to heal her frazzled and empty body and come back to the world she was living in – this is what we call childbed.
Mara is giving birth to IVAN alone in a hospital. When she comes back to her home she gets beaten up by some mafia guys because she is in love with the wrong man in the wrong society where you can trust nobody and everybody is alone. She starts an incredible journey with her baby and finds her self-confidence in her strong, deep and heavy love for IVAN in the end.
Thank you, Janez Burger, for that deep and emotional road trip. Thank you for that taboo breaking opening scene and your courage to follow a woman who just gave birth and searches for herself and for the love of her baby in a patriarchal society of corruption.
Thank you Maruša Majer! Your performance is outstanding! We could’t believe what we saw, it was courageous, deep, painful and beautiful. We can’t wait to see you soon again!
Thanks to cinematographer Marko Brdar. The look of the film you created with production designer Vasja Kokelj, costume designer Ana Savić-Gecan and make up artist Alenka Nahtigal was fantastic. We loved the reduction of colours, the simplicity, how you just stayed close to the actress and made the drama so radical.
We also thank editor Miloš Kalusek for so much suspense and composer Damir Avdić for you great music!
Giving birth to child is hard and not an easy thing to do but it sets free so much power in every woman everywhere. This price is also dedicated to every mommy in the world!
Janez Burger je s svojim Ivanom ustvaril vrtoglav ples podob in zvokov, ki gledalca zgrabi že v prvem prizoru in ga ne izpusti vse do konca. Tako oblikovan film tvori pretresljiv komentar stanja duha v sodobni Sloveniji, a ne le to. Njegovo skoraj hipnotično osciliranje med čustvi hrepenenja in obupa je namreč nekaj, kar tako ali drugače poznamo vsi ljudje, zaradi česar film v resnici nagovarja tudi širše občinstvo, Burgerjev četrti celovečerec pa odlikuje tudi drzen prikaz nehvaležnega mesta, ki je v družbi še vedno dodeljen ženski.
Za produkcijsko, fabularno in emotivno prebujanje ustvarjalnega naboja regionalnega filma.
"The director Jan Cvitkovic portrays the world of three lonely individuals - a woman, a man and a child. He questions the basics of human existence, nature, and is finally presents a slow approach. ARCHEO explores universal feelings with reduced images and the absence of dialogue. The courage to reduction gives the film an extraordinary expressive power."
Jan Cvitkovič v filmu Vem skonstruira malo mojstrovino, ki dekonstruira vsak konvencionalni pogled na film kot golo pripovedovanje zaključene zgodbe. Film prerašča v odprto metaforo, ki kot japonski haiku zadene na ravni čiste podobe, ki v sebi nosi vse in nič. Šus v glavo.
Janezu Burgerju je uspelo realizirati izjemno preprosto in izvirno idejo v neverjetno doslednem in učinkovitem slogu.
The International Jury of the Film Festival for the Official Selection awards the Golden Tower - for the best film.
Za inventivno režijo, s katero Jan Cvitkovič usmerja dovršeni scenarij, s čimer uspešno spaja komedijo in tragedijo.
Lahkoten komedijski uvod filma Odgrobadogroba zvabi gledalca v bistveno zahtevnejše nadaljevanje, v katerem vsakdanjik glavnih junakov razkrije stare in razbolele plasti njihovih življenj, v katere so usodno ujeti. Film s pogumno avtorsko držo razkriva arhetipske globine njihovih odnosov, veliko pa so k prepričljivosti tega filma dodali tudi odlični igralci in sugestivna kamera.
Best Film ex aequo
Award of Polsat Television's President for the best film presented at the CentEast Regional Film Market - Warsaw Screenings - PLN 10,000
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