Timon Šturbej
Gallery (27)
Filmography (15)
Cast (15)
important awards
Timon Šturbej z izčiščenostjo svoje igralske prezence in izostrenim občutkom za značaje junakov, ki jih upodablja, gledalca tako prepriča, da ta pozabi, da spremlja igro. Igralčeva neverjetna sposobnost za verizem nas ves čas potiska bolj v vlogo voajerja kot v vlogo gledalca. Značajsko raznovrstne vloge – od čistega, malodane otroško nedolžnega Tomaža do skoraj psihotičnega Jackieja – Timon Šturbej upodablja enako prepričljivo in mojstrsko. Kljub minimalizmu njegovega izraza gledalcu ne uide noben čustveni preobrat ali misel njegovih junakov. V vseh stvaritvah v zadnjih treh letih nam ponuja kompleksno razdelane in energijsko bogate vloge, ki vse pričajo o njegovi izjemni igralski kakovosti in o tem, da na platnu oziroma zaslonu spremljamo človeka, ne vloge.
Teenagers captivate us with a journey that helps us understand ourselves, our children and contemplate the significance of family and archetypes in shaping one’s personality. Friendship, guilt, love, tunnels, bridges, the sea, scents, and the endless roads, are all vividly portrayed by young actors in the road movie.
Timon Šturbej is brilliant as Željko. In all layers of expression as an actor, he possesses charisma and authority. Having impeccably transformed into a young delinquent, he administers his sassy nature effectively in his bodily and spiritual gestures. Throughout the film, he plays the emotions fluidly, combining softness with his diabolically wild nature. From the very first moment to the last, the film is caught wholly in the demeanour of this manipulative demon.
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