Petra Seliškar
Director, writer, and producer Petra Seliškar (1978) founded her own production house Petra Pan Film in 2003, focusing on creative documentaries. With her wealth of experience and talent, she has flourished as a filmmaker with profound insight, sensibility, strong narrative force, and an innovative approach. She co-founded MakeDox Creative Documentary Festival in Skopje, Balkan Documentary Distribution Network (BDDN), Doc Around Europe festival network, and most recently, the world sales agency Open Kitchen Films. She also works in education an
Director, writer, and producer Petra Seliškar (1978) founded her own production house Petra Pan Film in 2003, focusing on creative documentaries. With her wealth of experience and talent, she has flourished as a filmmaker with profound insight, sensibility, strong narrative force, and an innovative approach. She co-founded MakeDox Creative Documentary Festival in Skopje, Balkan Documentary Distribution Network (BDDN), Doc Around Europe festival network, and most recently, the world sales agency Open Kitchen Films. She also works in education and training through platforms such as MakeDox’s Docusprouts and Dokumentarnica in Slovenia. Seliškar’s filmography includes the following internationally awarded documentaries: Body (2023), Farewell (2020), My World Is Upside Down (2015), Mother Europe (2013), and The Grandmothers of Revolution (2006).
Gallery (14)
Dnevnik (1951- )
Filmography (26)
Production (20)
Direction (15)
Writing (9)
Cast (3)
Directing department (1)
Sound department (1)
important awards
Znanstveniki so ugotovili, da je Nietzschejev rek »Kar me ne ubije, me krepi«, pravzaprav točen. Po vseh dostopnih raziskavah 70 % ljudi, ki so se v življenju soočili s težkimi izzivi ali travmami, doživi neko obliko pozitivne psihološke rasti in razvoja. Film Telo Petre Seliškar spremlja Urškino življenje in njeno večdesetletno borbo z lastnim telesom ali, bolje rečeno, proti njemu. Ko jo spremlja skozi faze avtoimunih bolezni, nam njeno telo predstavi skozi njegovo krhkost in lepoto hkrati kot metaforo človekovih omejitev. Tako mikroskopski posnetki kot veličastni pejsaži z motivom otoka in jezera omogočajo dodatno razmišljanje o mestu človeka v naravi. Telo je pravi filmski podvig, v katerem avtorica dosledno gradi portret ženske, ki ob vseh dolgoletnih težavah ohranja optimizem in vedrost. To je film, ki ga morate videti. Film o tem, da »bolezen ni sovražnica«, kot bi rekel Gilles Deleuze. Celo več – to je film, ki dokazuje, da ne obstaja dualizem med duhom in telesom.
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