Kukla is a film director and musician. In 2014, she graduated from the film academy in Ljubljana. In the past years, she has been mostly directing music videos, which have reached over 100 million views. Her last short film Sestre (Sisters) has won Grand Prix International at Clermont Ferrand Film Festival 2021. Fantasy is her first feature film.
Gallery (10)
Filmography (39)
Direction (29)
Writing (19)
Cast (12)
Editing (11)
Production (8)
Music (3)
Cinematography (1)
Costume design (1)
Sound design (1)
Art department (7)
Directing department (5)
Music department (3)
Camera department (1)
Costume department (1)
Soundtracks (8)
important awards
For music videos directed in 2020.
Because of the formal freshness and expressive power that characterize the story of an uncharacteristic sisterhood in a distinctly dialectical sociocultural context. A modern sisterhood that uncompromisingly overcomes conformism and traditional schemes and expresses a strong will to survive in a patriarchal society by formulating new rules and commandments.
This film delivers a refreshing portrayal of sisterhood through its bold filmmaking choices. The exquisitely composed sound score combined with stellar performances give context and power to female anger.
V kratkem igranem filmu Sestre, režiserka ponuja gledalcu kritičen razmislek o vlogi spola in z njo povezanim nasiljem v družbi. S pomočjo intenzivnega ritma, nasičenega prepleta vizualnih podob, zvoka in glasbe nas film silovito vodi od prvega do zadnjega kadra.
Swimming strongly brings us a vivid story of the culture clash through the eyes of a teenager torn by the life in contemporary western surrounding opposed to religious rules of her family. Through her excellent performance the young lead actress carries the universal story of growing up.
For the attention to the issues of young person self-identification in complicated contemporary reality.
Extended data
- Kukla
- Kукла
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