- Debut film
Fantasy Upcoming
- Fiction Film
- s.d.
- Slovenia, North Macedonia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
Sina, Mihrije and Jasna are best friends in their early twenties. Their boyish lifestyles often lead them into conflicts with neighbourhood boys who perceive them as a threat. A young transgender woman called Fantasy catches their attention. Fantasy slowly mesmerises the girls and their paths take different directions. Despite her strong opinions against romantic relationships, Sina becomes romant
Sina, Mihrije and Jasna are best friends in their early twenties. Their boyish lifestyles often lead them into conflicts with neighbourhood boys who perceive them as a threat. A young transgender woman called Fantasy catches their attention. Fantasy slowly mesmerises the girls and their paths take different directions. Despite her strong opinions against romantic relationships, Sina becomes romantically entangled. Jasna, who lives with her frustrated mother, decides to take a job on a cruise ship in France. Mihrije runs away with Fantasy to Macedonia to avoid an arranged marriage. Her feelings for Fantasy become more and more intense. After their return to Slovenia, all girls realise they’ve grown apart and feel estranged from each other. On her way home, Mihrije stops at Fantasy’s apartment and discovers she has disappeared. Each in her own way, Sina, Mihrije and Jasna build the first steps of their adult lives, far from the destiny they were supposed to have.
Gallery (11)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Production department
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
SL: Znesek se deli med več odobrenih projektov prijavitelja.
EN: Amount distributed among miltiple projects by the applicant.
Comitee: Vilma Štritof Čretnik, Bojan Labović, Čedomir Kolar Explication
Celovečerni igrani film izhaja iz nagrajenega kratkega, tematsko in po konstelaciji likov enakega. V njem avtorica relevantno tematizira različne spolne identitete, na katere se običajno patriarhalno okolje odziva z odporom, kar nemalokrat vzpostavi konflikt tudi v družinskem okolju. Celovečerna forma omogoča več emotivnosti in subtilnih tonov, saj kot protagonistke nastopajo dekleta, ki šele začenjajo spolno živeti.
Struktura filma je dokaj preprosta, teče skoraj linearno, diskurz je vzpostavljen že na začetku, kar ni najboljša rešitev. Razvije pa se zgodba z v nacionalni kinematografiji povsem novim likom Fantasy. Do nje/ga vsaka mlada ženska iz skupine razvije drugačen odnos, ena izmed njih celo zelo intimen in čustven, saj gre s Fantasy v patriarhalno zaznamovan kraj njenega otroštva, kar pomeni veliko dejanje poguma. Nenadna smrt Fantasy je dramaturško vprašljiva, sicer pa vsaki od mladih žensk izkušnja z njim pomeni posebno izkušnjo, s katero drugačne vstopajo v odraslo življenje.
Film je lahko privlačen za precejšen del slovenskega in še bolj mednarodnega kulturnega prostora.
Filming locations
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