- Debut film
Petelinji zajtrk
- Fiction Film
- 125'
- 2007
- Slovenia, Croatia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Djuro works as an apprentice at master Gajaš, who is an elderly owner of a garage. The tranquil life of the young apprentice is troubled by the arrival of the dark-hair belle Bronja, who is married to Lepec, the local ruffian and pimp. Bronja and Djuro start a very risky love affair that does not stay unnoticed. Meanwhile, Gajaš himself has his love fantasies too. He dreams about Severina, a well-
Djuro works as an apprentice at master Gajaš, who is an elderly owner of a garage. The tranquil life of the young apprentice is troubled by the arrival of the dark-hair belle Bronja, who is married to Lepec, the local ruffian and pimp. Bronja and Djuro start a very risky love affair that does not stay unnoticed. Meanwhile, Gajaš himself has his love fantasies too. He dreams about Severina, a well-known pop singer that is on the tour and is coming to their town. When an opportunity offers to meet her, Gajaš shivers with excitement. Rooster's Breakfast is a love story. It is put into a small town, almost a village. The film protagonists live their quiet and imperceptible lives; however, each one of them has hidden passions that are the reason for the happening to dramatise.
Gallery (27)
Videos (1)
Vikend (1990- )
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Production department
Sound department
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
important awards
Za 150.000 gledalcev.
Za 175.000 gledalcev.
Za 125.000 gledalcev.
S svojim celovečernim prvencem Marko Naberšnik dokaže prepričljivo dober čut za vodenje igralcev. Film gledalca tudi impresionira z natančnim opazovanjem komičnih in resnih vidikov življenja na podeželju.
Nagrada za glavno moško vlogo gre Vladu Novaku za njegov pretanjen portret Gajaša, starejšega lastnika avtomehanične delavnice, čigar skrita strast je pop pevka Severina. Njegova igra ostane gledalcu v spominu še dolgo potem, ko se film že izteče.
Nagrado za najboljši scenarij dobi Marko Naberšnik za adaptacijo romana Ferija Lainščka. Scenarij popolnoma ujame vzdušje malih odročnih vasi, poleg tega pa brez zadržkov niza družbeno kritične komentarje, ki vzbujajo tako solze kot smeh.
Za 25.000 gledalcev.
Za 75.000 gledalcev.
Za 50.000 gledalcev.
Za 100.000 gledalcev.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.