• Debut film

Petelinji zajtrk

Rooster's Breakfast
  • Fiction Film
  • 125'
  • 2007
  • Slovenia, Croatia
480 SD Subtitles


Djuro works as an apprentice at master Gajaš, who is an elderly owner of a garage. The tranquil life of the young apprentice is troubled by the arrival of the dark-hair belle Bronja, who is married to Lepec, the local ruffian and pimp. Bronja and Djuro start a very risky love affair that does not stay unnoticed. Meanwhile, Gajaš himself has his love fantasies too. He dreams about Severina, a well-

Djuro works as an apprentice at master Gajaš, who is an elderly owner of a garage. The tranquil life of the young apprentice is troubled by the arrival of the dark-hair belle Bronja, who is married to Lepec, the local ruffian and pimp. Bronja and Djuro start a very risky love affair that does not stay unnoticed. Meanwhile, Gajaš himself has his love fantasies too. He dreams about Severina, a well-known pop singer that is on the tour and is coming to their town. When an opportunity offers to meet her, Gajaš shivers with excitement. Rooster's Breakfast is a love story. It is put into a small town, almost a village. The film protagonists live their quiet and imperceptible lives; however, each one of them has hidden passions that are the reason for the happening to dramatise.







Production design

Costume design


Sound design


important awards
