Bojan Emeršič
* 22.07.1963, Maribor, Slovenia
Bojan Emeršič was born on 22 July 1963 in Maribor, Slovenia. He is a cast member. The most well known projects he collaborated on are Petelinji zajtrk (2007), Veter v mreži (1989) and Barabe! (2001). He received 1 award.
Gallery (23)
Filmography (35)
Cast (35)
Vesna Award
(Jury Award)
best supporting role
Živčen, siten, poskakujoč, debelušen, glasen, gobezdav, izmuzljiv, nastopaški, samovšečen, brez okusa, hinavski, precej nesposoben in nekoliko zabit. A dobrodušen. Lik, ki ga moraš imeti rad. Bojan Emeršič preseže svojo podobo televizijskega zvezdnika in nas ponovno spomni, kako dober igralec je.
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