- Debut film
- Fiction Film
- 106'
- 2021
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Boris Robič is – as it is customary to say – an ordinary man. One day after supper, however, somebody fires a shot at him through the window while he is reading in his room. The police arrive and an investigation begins. It turns out that Boris does not have enemies or any disputes with anyone. There are no suspects – Boris appears to be a person completely unlikely to be assassinated. It seems th
Boris Robič is – as it is customary to say – an ordinary man. One day after supper, however, somebody fires a shot at him through the window while he is reading in his room. The police arrive and an investigation begins. It turns out that Boris does not have enemies or any disputes with anyone. There are no suspects – Boris appears to be a person completely unlikely to be assassinated. It seems that the event must have been a coincidence of some sort, so the police stop investigating after a while. Boris cannot come to terms with this so he starts investigating on his own. While he looks for potential perpetrators, Boris discovers that he is hated by more people than he could ever have imagined, and that his own perceptions of his own life are merely illusions. The film Inventory is a drama with elements of a thriller and black comedy, set in contemporary middle-class surroundings in Slovenia.
Director's statement
The most important thing I would like to say about the film is that apart from everything else, one of the goals was to make it entertaining. Loneliness, the search for love, fear, paranoia, doubt, a
The most important thing I would like to say about the film is that apart from everything else, one of the goals was to make it entertaining. Loneliness, the search for love, fear, paranoia, doubt, and the relativisation of our conceptions about life – all these issues comprise the thematic core of the film. However, I wish to approach these ‘heavy’ topics in an entertaining and ironic tone.
Gallery (16)
Pogovor z Darkom Sinkom (2022-2022)
Credits order
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Sound department
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
Costume department
Post production/editorial department
technical services
important awards
Film je na prvi pogled videti nevsiljiv in zadržan, a je vsaka njegova minuta domišljeno zrežirana. Režiser z natančnostjo kreira ritem in tok pripovedi. V svoji slogovni enovitosti in zadržanosti Inventura odseva negotovost, frustracije in strah, ki ga občutimo, medtem ko nam življenje polzi v obstranskost.
Radoš Bolčina se v vlogi Borisa suvereno, z vso svojo igralsko širino in izkušnjami giblje po tanki črti med coenovskim absurdom nevidnega človeka, realizmom in inteligentnim humorjem.
Lik policijskega inšpektorja je bil na filmu viden že tolikokrat, da ga je težko odigrati na izviren način. Dejanu Spasiću je v filmu Inventura uspelo prav to. Inšpektor Andrej je zadolžen za primer, ki se ne bo nikoli razrešil, a je obenem razumen in topel človek, ki je tu prav zato, da razreši primer.
Za pogumno rabo močnih glasbenih poudarkov in odmik od glasbe, ki se staplja z oblikovanjem zvoka. Glasba tu, namesto tega, prevzame vlogo še enega filmskega lika.
Posebno omembo žirija namenja prav tako izvrstnemu prvencu Inventura, ki v središče dogajanja postavi najbolj navadnega človeka, ki se znajde v precepu med lastno predstavo o sebi in tem, kar v resnici je.
In a feature film.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Igor Palčič, Boris Petkovič, Radovan Mišić, Sonja Prosenc (alternate)
Comitee: Žanina Mirčevska, Ida Weiss, Jaroslav Skrušny, Slobodan Maksimović (alternate)
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.