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Golden Anchor - Special Mention (Jury Award) ------- Haifa International Film Festival Rok Biček Triglav film (II) Razredni sovražnik (2013)
Golden Sun Award (Jury Award) best film (Balkan) Cinedays Festival of European Film Nejc Gazvoda Perfo Dvojina (2013)
Golden Sun Award (Jury Award) best film (Balkan) Cinedays Festival of European Film Ivan Ikić Sense Production Oaza (2020)
Zlato srce (2001)
Zlato srce (2001) / Eng: Golden Heart
Short Fiction Film
Zle pare (1956)
Zle pare (1956) / Eng: Evil Money, Cursed Money
Fiction Film
Zlet "Svobode" v Trbovljah (1952)
Short Documentary Film
Zlín Film Festival
Z ljubeznijo (2000)
Z ljubeznijo (2000) / Eng: With Love
Short Fiction Film
Zlobni, mrtvi, pravični (2021)
Zlobni, mrtvi, pravični (2021) / Eng: The Evil, the Dead, the Just
Short Fiction Film
Zločin brez kazni / review / author: Zdenko Vrdlovec / Dnevnik, 14.04.2006
Zločinci (1987)
Short TV Play
Zmaga (1982)
Zmaga (1982) / Eng: Victory
Short Documentary Film
Zmaga ali kako je Maks Bigec zasukal kolo zgodovine (2011)
Zmaga ali kako je Maks Bigec zasukal kolo zgodovine (2011) / Eng: Victory or How Maks Bigec Turned the Wheel of History
Fiction TV Film
Zmaga cvetja (1976)
Zmaga cvetja (1976) / Eng: The Flower Victory
Short Animated Film
Zmagal film o šerpah / news article / Dnevnik, 28.02.2017
Zmagali so najboljši (1947)
Zmagali so najboljši (1947) / Eng: The Best Won
Short Documentary Film

62781 results. Displaying: 25.
