- Fiction Film
- 122'
- 2020
- Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands, France
- Basic info
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- Episode
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- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
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- Trivia
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Gallery (5)
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Costume department
important awards
Maska Martine Šubic Dodočić v filmu Oaza Ivana Ikića je izjemen prispevek k realnosti in specifičnosti ambienta filma, pri čemer nikoli ne eksploatira svojih pritagonistov.
Jury statement: We, the FIPRESCI jury of the 30th Cottbus Film Festival, award this year's prize to OASIS by Ivan Ikić. It's an attentive and compassionate sophomore feature with a sensitive look at people with mental impairments and their “normal” need for closeness and understanding. The film's aesthetics are subtle but proficient, painting a heartfelt portrait of inclusivity and the struggle accompanying it.
This film portrays people who have been isolated all their lives and who rarely get a chance to be best at something. This film transcends the best film category and limits of best actors, and by doing so it offers a helping hand to the ones who need it most, giving them the chance not only to become exceptional actors, but also to express themselves and show that love doesn’t require much and that they’re capable of it. The Golden Pram Award goes to the director and his team who managed not to betray the trust they’ve gained to be the ones who will convey to the world the cries of those no one wants to hear.
Giornate Degli Autori
5.000 EUR donated by Sparkasse Spree-Neiße
Jury statement: Three touching performances revealing their characters' unique personalities and rendering alive the complexity of adolescent epe of innocence, love, envy and desire – which have no option but to exit within a setting of constant surveillance. For taking us on an emotion journey while revealing some of the real life struggles of life in a youth special care institution, the jury would like to award best acting performance to first time actors Marijana Novakov, Tijana Markovic and Valentino Zenuni in the film OASIS by director Ivan Ikić.
Extended data
Korisnici (Serbian) (working title)
Uporabniki (Slovenian) (working title)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Polona Petek, Miha Hočevar, Igor Palčič, Simon Tanšek (alternate) Explication
»Filmski projekt Uporabniki je mladinska ljubezenska drama, ki se odvija v domu za otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Univerzalnost in izvirnost projektu zagotavlja edinstvenost tematike, ki je v svetu bolj ali manj tabu in je temu primerno družbeno marginalizirana in odrinjena v zaprte, ograjene ustanove, skrite očem javnosti. Verodostojnost projekta leži v pripovednem postopku pisanja scenarija, ki je prilagojen protagonistom - otrokom s posebnimi potrebami. Sem sodijo prilagojeni dialogi in tudi dejanja, ki poustvarjajo edinstveno družbeno resničnost. Struktura zgodbe temelji na resničnem dogodku, pristno vzdušje ji dajejo liki glavnih junakov, ki jih igrajo natruščiki iz Doma. Pričakovana privlačnost filma za slovenski in evropski oziroma mednarodni kulturni prostor ni zanemarljiva, ker gre za redek primer igranega filma, ki s svojim pripovednim načinom ustvarja iluzijo z naturščiki s posebnimi potrebami. Navzočnost Slovenije, Slovencev, slovenskega jezika oziroma slovenske kulture v scenariju ni neposredno prisotna oziroma obstaja v univerzalnem sporočilu filmskega projekta.
Odmevnost ustvarjalnega dela režiserja na avdiovizualnem področju ni zanemarljiva. V mednarodno filmsko sceno ga je umestil igrani film Barbari, ki je imel odmevno mednarodno predstavitev. Angažiranost slovenskih soavtorjev, avtorjev prispevkov in igralske zasedbe filma deloma obstaja in sicer gre za prispevek maskerke, kostumografa, snemalca zvoka in eno žensko epizodno vlogo (Maruša Majer). Tudi angažiranost tehničnih zmogljivosti v Republiki Sloveniji obstaja in sicer gre za post produkcijo slike. Odmevnost dela glavnega producenta in slovenskega koproducenta na avdiovizualnem področju je opazna in tudi mednarodno uveljavljena. »
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