- production company
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- Filmography (18)
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The December Production House was founded in 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, by Vlado Bulajić and Lija Pogačnik. They hold’s the filmmaking process in the highest regard, treating it as a unique and artistic endeavour every time. Their approach is centred on tailoring their methods to suit the individual author, their cinematic style, and the captivating stories they aim to bring to life on the silver screen.
Filmography (18)
production (18)
important awards
V vseh izraznih sredstvih vrhunsko izpeljan filmski prvenec Juraja Lerotića ni zgolj skrajno oseben, ampak tudi inovativen, tenkočuten in idejno domišljen. Precizna študija človeške krhkosti preko intimne izkušnje razgalja (ne)delovanje sistema.
Film, ki nas je nabolj presenetil in očaral. Film, ki poka od energije, življenja in naklonjenosti do svojih likov. Ne igra na karto v evropskem art filmu trendovskega minimalizma, ampak izrablja vse, kar se mu ponuja – od plazu besed do tišine, od plesa do posedanja v mali kuhinji in drogeraških tripov. In v vsem je dober. To je film sijajno zrežiranega igralskega ansambla, dinamike in neke čisto nove, sveže filmske energije.
JURY Award Of Recognition
For the way it creates a satirical allegory of the state of European economy, without weighing the nation-character connection down. On the contrary it holds it up using a very effective sequence shot, with enticing and fluid pacing and artistic framing.
Croatian: Film je izvrstan primjer filma iz jednog kadra sa živom mizanscenom i koreografijom pokreta. Ovaj politički vođeni komad uspio je pružiti vedar pogled na vrlo ozbilju ekonomsku situaciju u Europi. Film je inkorporirao jezike mnogih nacionalnosti, što je samo po sebi ogroman redateljski pothvat. Čestitamo redatelju i cijeloj međunarodnoj filmskoj ekipi koja je uložila nevjerojatan trud u ovaj spektakularan i tehnički fenomenalan kadar.
Section CortoEuropa
less important awards
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