Niko Novak
Gallery (19)
Filmography (37)
Production design (19)
Cast (10)
Music (6)
Direction (5)
Writing (3)
Editing (2)
Art department (4)
Music department (4)
Soundtracks (3)
important awards
Kratki eksperimentalni film Vdor s pomočjo igre svetlobe in teme poganja zbirko v formaldehid shranjenih živalskih primerkov v nenehno gibanje. Avtorja filma manipulirata z abstraktnimi podobami, ki se gledalcu ne pustijo ujeti. Podobe skupaj z zvokom ustvarjajo nov, imaginaren in neskončen prostor gledalčevega občutenja.
The film is set in a mountain village that, with its deserted pub, winding empty streets and crossroads that lead nowhere, embodies the hopelessness and absurdity of the situation the protagonist has found himself in. The production designer deliberately highlights the protagonist’s sense of confinement through emptied-out, impersonal hotel rooms where time seems to have stopped and the hope which the protagonist tries to have for his future is both genuine and as fabricated as the neon-lit sites of his life decisions.
Extended data
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