Komaj čakam, da prideš
- Short Documentary Film
- 30'
- 2021
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
The absence of memory fills the void with sounds and images stored in time and space. A photograph is a seemingly motionless time, but which is now able to slide backwards. And make a film. - Primož Čučnik
Sound design
Camera department
important awards
Award of €100 is curated by Albedo aps Italian: Per la capacità e il coraggio di trasformare l’intima testimonianza di una perdita inenarrabile in un’opera densa di vita, caratterizzata da una libertà totale di espressione stilistica. Grazie al personalissimo e toccante lavoro di rielaborazione delle fotografie familiari, il film concretizza il perfetto equilibrio tra home movies ed espressione artistica. Alla stregua di una partitura musicale, l’opera orchestra le diverse le tracce del ricordo, tra foto, filmini di famiglia, animazioni in stop motion, frame di esecuzioni musicali e riflessioni sulla memoria e sull’amore come in una performance musicale.
Slovene: Nagrada za najbolj celovito filmsko stvaritev gre filmu, ki je v vseh ozirih perfekten, čeprav vsakdanje življenje, ki ga tako zvesto, pogumno in nevsiljivo ponazarja, to vsekakor ni. Ta film je izpoved, pesem, trenutek, žalostinka, hvalnica, blagohotnost, naklonjenost in tudi najbolj stvarna okrutnost. Vse z namenom, da nas nagovori in se zareže v najgloblji kotiček človeške duše. V sami srčiki iste točke, kjer nas najbolj boli, očitno lahko tudi najbolj ljubimo. Nagrada za najboljši film gre režiserju in pričevalcu Tomažu Gromu, za dokumentarni film, za katerega se zdi, da ga je režiralo kar življenje samo – Komaj čakam, da prideš.
In his short film, musician and exceptional artist Tomaž Grom interweaves personal archive footage and family photos with incredible sensitivity, giving us an intimate insight into a dialogue with his memories and inner feelings. In a complex documentary form, the footage literally breathes with its original musical score.
less important awards
Experimental short film where family, life, experiences form a very powerful and attractive collage. Story of many stories. Life in its fullness and dynamism. Originality and naturalness united. And enormous expressiveness and creativity in each scene that we can enjoy. The public has decided to give him this award. The public is wise. Well, it's a unique film. Marvelous!
Extended data
Technical data
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.