Družina 12+

The Family
  • Documentary Film
  • 107'
  • 2017
  • Slovenia, Austria


Born into a special needs family in a peripheral village of a peripheral country, Matej is yet so very different – different from otherness as well as normality – so as to seem as if he had escaped the determination of his environment. However, his fate catches up as he and his girlfriend have a daughter, soon to be followed by the disintegration of their relationship. A custody battle ensues, unt

Born into a special needs family in a peripheral village of a peripheral country, Matej is yet so very different – different from otherness as well as normality – so as to seem as if he had escaped the determination of his environment. However, his fate catches up as he and his girlfriend have a daughter, soon to be followed by the disintegration of their relationship. A custody battle ensues, until Matej decides to make a radical exit from the vicious circle of his family as well as life in general. A reality film covering a decade, The Family is a search for feelings rather than sensationalism. A film without a script, yet with a host of co-writers, both human and inhuman.






Sound design


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