Tadej Koren Šmid
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Filmography (22)
- Soundtracks
- Awards
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Tadej Koren Šmid is an assistant director and director. The most well known projects he collaborated on are Govor, ki ga vidiš (2019), Poslednji dan Rudolfa Nietscheja (2018) and Preblisk bele mize (2019). He received 2 awards.
Gallery (8)
Filmography (22)
Cast (6)
Direction (3)
Writing (2)
Production (2)
Directing department (8)
Production department (5)
important awards
Special Mention
(Jury Award)
Second Place
(Jury Award)
Zmagovalni film je hkrati dokument in poezija. Odlično poznavanje filmskega ritma, montaže, zvoka in znanje kadriranja, ustvari zanimiv in prepričljiv portret največje ladijske luke pri nas, ki mu da piko na i subtilno vpeljan osebni odnos do nje in do mesta, ki ga tako močno zaznamuje.
Extended data
Contact the editors
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