Nejc Gazvoda
Nejc Gazvoda (1985) is the director, screenwriter, and novelist who received the Prešeren Award (the highest university recognition) for his diploma work in film and television directing, Fragma: An Ounce of Luck (2008). His feature debut A Trip (2011) has received awards at numerous international film festivals and was nominated for the Slovenian Academy Award. As a screenwriter, he participated in Personal Baggage (2009, J. Lapajne) and Class Enemy (2013, R. Biček). After the internationally acclaimed film Dual (2013), The Father Figure is his third feature film.
Gallery (12)
Filmography (27)
Writing (21)
Direction (12)
Cast (3)
Editing (2)
Production (1)
Production design (1)
important awards
»Če je bilo filmsko srenjo še lani strah, ali bo slovenski film preživel, nam je letos postalo jasno, da bo preživel. Razlog za to so mladi ustvarjalci, polni svežih idej. Ne, slovenski film ne bo samo preživel, s filmarji kot sta režiserja Razrednega sovražnika in Dvojine, ga čaka svetla prihodnost.«
New Directors Competition
Mladi režiser je žirijo med drugim prepričal s svojim ostrim, detajlom naklonjenim očesom, s smislom za scenaristično dovršenost in z občutkom za delo z igralci, ki film povezujejo v izpopolnjeno celoto.
Skupinsko Prešernovo nagrado za scenarij in reţijo televizijske nanizanke FRAGMA prejmejo Nejc Gazvoda »Merica sreče« Milena Olip »V roju kresnic«, Kaja Tokuhisa »Nekakšen sindrom« in Barbara Zemljiĉ »Ljubezen je energija« mentor za televizijsko reţijo izr. prof. Igor Šmid, mentor za scenaristiko doc. mag. Miroslav Mandić.
Za scenarij Čisto lahko.
Extended data
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