Matjaž Ivanišin
Director Matjaž Ivanišin (1981) works as a freelance filmmaker. His films have been screened at film festivals such as FID Marseille, Locarno, Tribeca and Rotterdam, and presented in the film programs of modern art museums such as the Centre Pompidou, MoMA and ICALondon. Selected filmography: Che Sara (2002, short documentary), Karpotrotter (2013, mid-length documentary), Playing Men (2017, feature documentary), Oroslan (2019, feature fiction).
Gallery (7)
Videos (1)
Dnevnik (1951- )
Filmography (65)
Direction (19)
Writing (17)
Cinematography (3)
Cast (2)
Mentoring and Consulting colaboration (42)
Camera department (3)
Directing department (1)
important awards
Prefinjen vpogled v človeške odnose z minimalnimi sredstvi doseže čustven vtis, ki vabi v spekter različnih razumevanj. Obrazi v filmu so eksotični pejsaži, ki se jih ne naveličamo, igra je minimalistična, sporočilnost je neulovljiva, a hkrati precizna. Med pošvedranimi čevlji na tleh in lupingi na nebu tavajo izgubljeni čas in zamujene priložnosti. Jesen prihaja.
For its great narrative economy and mature vision and for trying to hide all the mysteries of life in its images.
The memory of someone who passed away circulating, within a community, as a thin and discreet thread, becomes the motif for a beautiful portrait of human fragility and its poetic force.
Independent film programme
Awarded by the Municipality of Maribor, for extrordinary achievements in art and culture.
Matjaž Ivanišin z vsakim novim filmom izumi novo razmerje fikcije in dokumentarnosti. Oroslan je konstrukt, fiktivni lik, okrog katerega Ivanišin po zgodbi Zdravka Duše splete svojstveno osebno porabsko filmsko poemo.
Jury statement: An exciting and distinct cinematic exploration of manhood, competitiveness and the progression from innocence to toxicity, of the games we play.
italijansko: per il dinamismo di una struttura che stimola continuamente l’attenzione, per l’ironia del meta-cinema di cui il film è permeato, e per l’uso creativo di immagini d’archivio capaci di generare un nuovo corso alla seconda parte dell’opera
Jury's justification: For its strong, memorable and vibrant cinematic language, its bold and surprising storytelling and its creative and alternative approach to the way we see men. In Playing Men, the male state of being is addressed in a funny, timely and touching way.
NIS 10,000 prize Courtesy of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, the Israel Film Council
Duhovit dokumentarec, ki nas pelje preko fizične do mentalne igre, dokler tudi igra sama ne izgine in v njej ostane samo pesem. Bivanjsko tesnobo, ki jo povzroči odsotnost Igre, avtor z ironično avtosamorefleksijo izkoristi, da se skupaj z njim spomnimo Igre, igranja in igrivosti.
Matjaž Ivanišin in Rajko Grlić sta s filmom Vsaka dobra zgodba je ljubezenska zgodba ustvarila tako doživeto meditacijo o izjemni vztrajnosti ljubezni kot tudi ekspresivno parabolo o staranju in veličasten poklon morda najmočnejši generaciji slovenskih gledaliških in filmskih ustvarjalcev. Ampak še pred vsem tem gre za film, ki bi s svojo izjemno toplino lahko talil ledenike, tudi tiste največje.
Cine + Distribution Support Award
Feature Film Competition.
Za sintezo besede in filmskega znaka v domišljeno pripovedovani zgodbi o potovanju v preteklost in srečni vrnitvi v prihodnost.
Slovene: Lepo, zelo vizualno strukturiran dokumentarec. Odlikuje ga kreativna atmosfera, ki se preliva z močno družbeno-politično zgodbo.
Extended data
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