Matej Zemljič
Gallery (15)
Filmography (14)
Cast (14)
important awards
Rad ima vloge, ki mu niso pisane na kožo. Zahtevajo več raziskovanja, poglabljanja. In ko enkrat tako vlogo, ki je popolnoma drugačna od njega, začuti in najde, jo je še z večjim užitkom igra. In mi uživamo ko ga gledamo na odru, filmskih platnih ali doma pred teve ekranom. Kot duhovnika, reševalca, romantičnega junaka, avtista... pester nabor vlog za mladega igralca. Kolegi pri njem cenijo predanost delu. Ne preseneča torej, da je tudi magister igralskega užitka. Meryl Streep obveščamo, da ima v Sloveniji velikega oboževalca in se veselimo njunega skupnega dela.
International Competition.
Matej Zemljič is an actor whose introverted cinematic action fascinates us. He approaches the role in a discreet and universal way. Gradually, in even undulations, he constructs Andrej as a human being torn between the benign mechanism of a correctional facility, his traumatic family experiences and the resulting inner anguish. He expresses the absence of love and his fear of future delicately and not at all obtrusively, almost poetically. Despite the brutal occurrences, his presence remains reserved. The fundamental plane of origin for the actor is the feeling of insufferableness, yet in his pain, he always remains quiet and restrained, until his act of violence against Željko.
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