Marina Gumzi
Filmography (12)
Production (9)
Writing (6)
Production design (1)
important awards
Intervju Marine Gumzi z Isabelle Fauvel odlikujeta avtoričin angažma in poznavanje področja filmske produkcije. Pogovor zaznamujejo premišljena in izvirna vprašanja, ki odpirajo prostor za zavzet premislek stanja sodobne evropske filmske industrije.
Objavljeno v Ekran maj/junij 2022.
Osupljiva filmska stvaritev z izjemno vizualno komponento in zaokroženostjo, ki v svojih številnih kvalitetah močno presega običajni okvir nacionalne kinematografije. Vsi elementi filmskega jezika v tej dodelani mojstrovini so uporabljeni premišljeno in subtilno, kar gledalcu omogoči izjemno emotivno in estetsko doživetje. Prepričani smo, da je ta film znanilec pomembne prelomnice za slovensko kinematografijo.
When East Meets West and Trieste Film Festival are proud to present This is IT, a competition exclusively dedicated to long feature fiction films and hybrid works with a strong visual and artistic approach produced or co-produced by Italian producers.
The main purpose is to create a unique showcase of high quality Italian independent cinema where selected teams have the chance to present their works and screen their films to an exclusive panel of more than 30 international sales agents, festival programmers and buyers.
An international jury delivers a special in kind prize of the value of approximately 10.000 EUR.
Thanks to the partnership with Milano Film Network (MFN), all films submitted to “L’Atelier MFN” and to “This is IT” will be shared and considered by both selection committees.
The main goal is to offer a dual opportunity to all Italian producers, fostering their chances to attract distribution partners on a national and international level.
Extended data
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