Ta presneta očetova kamera!
- Short Animated Film
- 7'
- 2021
- Slovenia
- Basic info
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- Episode
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- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
A reckless boy in an almost desperate and therefore troublesome way persistently seeks the attention of his father - photographer. Being confronted with his father’s artistic chaos and his obsessive fascination for photography-life, on his way of growing up these elements eventually become essential for strengthening their father-son bond.
In a story that intertwines hand-drawn and stop animat
A reckless boy in an almost desperate and therefore troublesome way persistently seeks the attention of his father - photographer. Being confronted with his father’s artistic chaos and his obsessive fascination for photography-life, on his way of growing up these elements eventually become essential for strengthening their father-son bond.
In a story that intertwines hand-drawn and stop animation in the collage technique, the author takes his audience on a ride through the archive of the Slovenian photographer Dragiša Modrinjak, and at the same time draws from personal experience as a filmmaker and father.
Gallery (6)
Sound design
creative services
Extended data
Avtor v prahu (Slovenian) (working title)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Haidy Kancler, Igor Palčič, Aleš Pavlin, Lilijana Nedič (alternate), Boris Petkovič (alternate) Explication
Avtor v prahu je projekt za eksperimentalno animirani film o fotografski zapuščini zanimivega avtorja in zbiralca, Dragiše Modrinjaka, ki jo bo avtorska ekipa projekta povzela, na novo premešala in z izvirnimi tehnično narativnimi prijemi vdahnila zapuščini novo zgodbo, novo življenje. Projekt je za razvoj ustvarjanja slovenskih avdiovizualnih del dovolj zanimiv, saj odraža svežino in drugačnost v ustvarjalnih postopkih. Pomen projekta za uveljavitev slovenske avdiovizualne produkcije doma in v tujini je prav v svežini avtorskega pristopa. V rabi medija animiranih izdelkov je projekt dovolj izviren in inovativen. Izvedba projekta je utemeljena v ustvarjalnem postopku. Režijski koncept je zanimiv, saj z uporabo animacijske tehnike na nov, gibljiv način oživlja predmete, ki tvorijo posthumno zbirko Dragiše Modrinjaka. Črno-bela barvna paleta nas popelje v nek drug čas, v temnico oziroma 'kabinet čudes', kjer preko zvokovne kompilacije dokumentarnega in glasbenega oživijo še tako neživi predmeti. S to živostjo pa zaživijo na novo, v novem mediju in na nov način.
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