Sladke sanje
- Fiction Film
- 110'
- 2001
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Egon Vittori is thirteen years old and does not have a record player. It is the beginning of the seventies and Yugoslavia seems to be the land of prosperity. Goods are being imported from the West, and these include American music, films and fashion. Everybody but Egon owns a record player. Finding his path among his family members, hippie owners of music records, schoolmates, teachers, communists, and dissidents, Egon gets his record player in the end. And grows up somewhere along the way.
Gallery (14)
Credits order
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Sound department
important awards
For its tender, satirical and authentic evocation of growing up in Slovenia in the 1970s and its more general appeal to audiences beyond.
Nagrado predstavljata certifikat v višini brutto ATS 20.000,00 (okoli 300.000,00 sit) in umetniška slika. Certifikat v vrednosti nagrade lahko nagrajenec vnovči v obliki storitev Synchro Film v roku enega koledarskega leta.
Sladke sanje z dobrim spominom na provincialno življenje v nekem slovenskem mestu v 70. letih nekdanje Jugoslavije in z vidika mladega junaka prikazujejo težave odraščanja v protislovnih pogojih. Film odlikujejo enostavnost, poetičnost in emocionalnost.
Veronika Drolc je zahtevno vlogo odigrala dosledno in z veliko igralsko disciplino.
Scenarij je ustvaril veliko raznolikost likov, domiselno zajel duh časa z začetka sedemdesetih let in s poetičnim žarom poudaril mladega junaka, ki mu je ljubezen do filma pomagala preživeti.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.