Pokrajina št. 2
- Fiction Film
- 90'
- 2008
- Slovenia, Serbia
- Basic info
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- Episode
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- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
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- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Two burglars, Sergej and Polde, steal a valuable painting called Landscape No.2. Quite by accident, Sergej also steals a mysterious document from the end of the Second World War. Instructor takes over the case of the missing painting and document, and a diabolical mechanism from the past is unleashed. Landscape No.2 builds on the realisation that the unresolved past of a person or nation leaves it
Two burglars, Sergej and Polde, steal a valuable painting called Landscape No.2. Quite by accident, Sergej also steals a mysterious document from the end of the Second World War. Instructor takes over the case of the missing painting and document, and a diabolical mechanism from the past is unleashed. Landscape No.2 builds on the realisation that the unresolved past of a person or nation leaves its mark and keeps coming back. However, its return is a burden for generations which had nothing to do with the past of their fathers and grandfathers, and who even remain untouched by the issue. The film is a story of the post-war execution of Nazi collaborators who were supported by the Catholic Church in their treason. The untold and unreflected past, and the sins of our forefathers haunt us, especially now that the various histories of different nations are being brought together in a common European history.
Gallery (4)
Delo (1959- )
Credits order
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
technical services
important awards
Režiser Vinko Möderndorfer spretno in trezno poveže vse elemente filma v intenzivno in prepričljivo celoto. Gledalca vodi in vpleta v zgodbo, ustvari izjemno atmosfero in celo plejado izvrstnih likov, odlično režira tako prizore seksa kot krvave umore. Ne kopiči kadrov brez potrebe, ohranja potrebno distanco in kaže veliko disciplino ter režijski talent.
Film Pokrajina št. 2 je prepričljiva in sodobna žanrska upodobitev še vedno aktualne in boleče tematike iz naše polpretekle zgodovine, ki dosega visoke produkcijske standarde, kakršni so sicer značilni za bolj razvite kinematografije.
Pravo razmerje med vsemi elementi dobre filmske fotografije. Dušan Joksimovič z izrezi, kompozicijo, gibanjem kamere, izborom barv in osvetlitve izniči pogosto tako očitno mejo med režijo in fotografijo in s tem soustvari estetsko celovito filmsko delo.
Ob prizorih spolnosti v slovenskih filmih je pogosto nerodno tako igralcem kot gledalcem. Tokrat ne. Lik Maje Martine Merljak v popolnosti zaživi prvi trenutek, ko se pojavi na platnu. Vse je jasno. Neverjetna sproščenost, ki jo zmorejo le redki. Seks vedno vžge. Če vžge.
Produkcijske razmere v slovenski kinematografiji pogosto najbolj tepejo prav scenografski sektor. Dobri producenti se zavedajo, da je scenografija bistven element. Pravi človek na pravem mestu preseže omejitve in ustvari primerne prostore filma. Duško Milavec je s svojim estetskim čutom, avtorsko zavzetostjo, obrtnim znanjem in nenazadnje izborom sodelavcev pravi človek na pravem mestu. Pravi scenograf.
Nevsiljiva glasba Boruta Kržišnika obogati film Pokrajina št.2 z nenavadno atmosfero in intenzivnostjo, vstopa na pravih mestih in stalno ohranja primeren nivo. Gledalec si ob odhodu iz dvorane pač ne požvižgava teme iz filma. In prav je tako.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
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