Pod njenim oknom
- Fiction Film
- 90'
- 2003
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Duša is a young dancer and a dance teacher. Caught between a dominant mother, an absent father and a married lover, she is becoming entangled in a 30's life-crisis, the consequences of which are not fatal, of course. She grows up and decides; she dismisses the negligent lover, even though she is pregnant with his child. Even her super-confident and erotically frivolous mother is preparing for the
Duša is a young dancer and a dance teacher. Caught between a dominant mother, an absent father and a married lover, she is becoming entangled in a 30's life-crisis, the consequences of which are not fatal, of course. She grows up and decides; she dismisses the negligent lover, even though she is pregnant with his child. Even her super-confident and erotically frivolous mother is preparing for the role of a loving grandmother. However, the true reason for all this change is someone who has been coming to her window for a while. From anonymous danger and voyeuristic distaste, the enamoured suitor is successfully nearing hear heart, restoring her hope in love of a man and in the purpose of life beyond youth.
Gallery (1)
Alphabetical order
Directing department
Production department
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
important awards
Za 25.000 gledalcev.
Geografija Duše Polone Juh ne zajema le meja sveta ženske ampak simbolizira večno hrepenenje po neuresničeni ljubezni. Igralka je dodala izbrušen kamenček v mozaik velikih slovenskih filmskih igralk. Njena natančna igra, ki izžareva osamljenost in samoto ter omogoča prosto pot generacijski identifikaciji, je nosilni steber filma.
Metod Pevec je izoblikoval lepo, preprosto, univerzalno in vrhunsko filmsko zgodbo. Njegova pripoved o ženski, ki predstavlja generacijo na prehodu v srednja leta, je sentimentalna, toda nič kaj patetična in papirnata. Topla, občutena impresija vsakdanjika, ki v nobenem trenutku ni banalna, več kot dostojno nadaljuje t.i. renesanso slovenskega filma. Domišljena vsebina, ki jo poleg vešče napisanih dialogov krasi galerija dosledno izdelanih likov, bo zanesljivo pomembno vplivala na novo generacijo slovenskih filmskih ustvarjalcev. Nagovorila in očarala nas je s silovito človeškostjo.
Slovenci skoraj neradi ali preredko opazimo, da imamo izjemne filmske igralce. Še večkrat spregledamo velike igralke in igralce v manjših vlogah. Odločili smo se, da vsaj delno zapolnimo to vrzel. Marijana Brecelj je z izjemno upodobitvijo ene od izjemnih oseb v Pevčevem filmu Pod njenim oknom dokončno razbila stereotip slovenske matere in predvsem dokazala, da velike igralke iz vsake vloge vselej naredijo velike like.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.