- Documentary Film
- 53' 18''
- 2022
- Slovenia
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Skin of the family table is hard and polished, but the skin of time, a porous affair.
Outside, during the pandemic, the time seemed to come to a standstill. But a family dining table continued to dictate its own rhythms: it observed spring passing into summer, counted the number of flowers that would wither until winter, saw fragments of a family deposed on its surface, eavesdropping on the family conversations. The table changed its skin with the light that turned into nights, its tablecloth being soiled and cleaned, over and over again. It witnessed a pulse. And life - so much life.
Director's statement
One of the earliest surviving photographs in existence, ‘The Set Table’ by N. Niépce, is one of the central inspirations for the film. I was fascinated by how much a family dining table, an immobile o
One of the earliest surviving photographs in existence, ‘The Set Table’ by N. Niépce, is one of the central inspirations for the film. I was fascinated by how much a family dining table, an immobile object, can reveal about the life that surrounds it. The immobility of the subject coincided with the seeming immobility of ‘covid’ times. While dealing with all of the uncertainty of the socio-political moment, I found myself fixed at home with loved ones and experienced days that went nowhere. However, it was precisely through this motionless gaze and fixed subject that I began to discover more and more life coming through. Our table became a peculiar stethoscope, listening intently for the pulse of this small beautiful everyday life - this time including all of its twists, turns and variations. Trying to adhere to my vision to be strictly observational, and following the chronology of the seasons as an ‘objective’ order, I soon found myself floating, slowly discovering that time is perhaps ever only intimate and subjective - an interior affair. With this came a feeling as if I were an alchemist working with the repetitiveness of days, of the gaze and of the gesture in order to be able to observe what it is all about; what could be the essence of, or the extract from, these days, this so-called life? And then the sunflower, with its giant golden yellow head, stares back at me, silently.
Gallery (10)
Sound design
Post production/editorial department
technical services
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Živa Emeršič, Petra Seliškar, Nina Blažin Explication
Scenarij prinaša izjemno izvirno idejo mize kot časovne kapsule. Okoli mize in na njej se "vse dogaja". Gre za portret družine in časa, ki ga živi(mo). "Miza" je svež film, ki skozi intimno zgodbo zahteva angažiranega in radovednega gledalca, kar je izredno dragoceno v poplavi klasičnih, neizvirnih in predvidljivih zgodb.
Projekt je izviren in ima potencial s svojim univerzalnim sporočilom seči tudi čez slovenske meje.
Kultura življenja, kultura družine, kultura medsebojnih odnosov - mikrokozmos slovenske družbe, zbran okoli mize.
Projekt ima zelo izvirno zamisel in strukturo, statična kamera spremlja mizo, vse zgodbe se odvijajo v off-u, v zvočni sliki. Inovativnost je v poigravanju s časom, s svetlobo. Avtorica, ki je scenaristka, snemalka in
montažerka, suvereno obvlada vse registre projekta v konceptu, ki je izčiščen in ima jasno narativno strukturo. Skozi režijske odločitve ponuja avtorica gledalcu svež, unikaten pogled na čas epidemije, ki se ga vsi še dobro spominjamo. Skozi film doživimo nekaj novega, se ob njem preizprašujemo o nas samih in se tudi identificiramo z njim.
Utemeljenost izvedbe tega projekta je visoka zlasti zaradi njegove izvirnosti in unikatnosti.
Contact the editors
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