En meter je šest centimetrov
- Short Documentary Film
- 2024
- Slovenia
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A short drive from one of the biggest ski-jumps in the world - the Giant of Planica stands its miniature sister. It was built by Cena, a grouchy Alpine woodcarver, in whose world one meter equals six centimeters.
Cena, the grouchy Slovenian woodcarver spent his childhood dreaming of jumping from the Giant of Planica, a legendary ski-jump built to break records. Although a bad case of asthma cut his wings at an early age, his dreams live on. Each summer, he organizes his very own Ski Jumping World Championship - in his own garden.
Director's statement
As filmmakers, we're drawn to unusual stories and characters who are unapologetic about their passions. With his quirky fascinations and emotional investment in the miniature ski jump and figurines, C
As filmmakers, we're drawn to unusual stories and characters who are unapologetic about their passions. With his quirky fascinations and emotional investment in the miniature ski jump and figurines, Cena, our film’s protagonist is such a man. His story is the story of enthusiasm and dedication, and as such it is also a reflection of the universal human desire to connect with something larger than ourselves. The logic of enthusiasm is opposed by the logic of cynicism. In this opposition, we firmly stand with the enthusiast. In our first film Trahere, we filmed men and their tractors. Slovenia has the highest per capita rate of these machines in the world, and in rural regions there is a tradition of blessing them every year. During the process of filming however, we noticed how emotionally invested the men were in their vehicles regardless of their macho appearance. At the end, this bond became the core of our film. It is this same emotional investment that we discovered in the character of Cena. Despite having been shaped by some unfortunate events, there is humor in his story, that is acknowledged and celebrated. We fully embrace this playful element; rather than laughing at Cena, we want to laugh together with him. To put it bluntly: life and it’s misfortunes? - Ha-ha!
Gallery (3)
Credits order
Sound design
Production department
Sound department
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
Post production/editorial department
technical services
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Živa Emeršič, Petra Seliškar, Nina Blažin Explication
Gre za izredno izviren projekt, ki skozi zgodbo Ceneta in njegovega hobija ponudi gledalcu film o sanjah ter strasteh, kar pa je nekaj, kar nagovori mnoge. Vsebinska zasnova je originalna in atraktivna v svoji preprostosti, v sliki "malega človeka", ki svoje neuresničene sanje najde v repliki velikega dogajanja, kamor ni imel vstopa. Izvirno in čustveno. Povezava na veliko ikono slovenskega športa in slovenstva, Planico, deluje univerzalno, simbolno in učinkovito. Projekt je zelo pomemben tudi v sporočilnem smislu, zagotovo doma, glede na popularnost in prepoznavnost Planice pa tudi v tujini. Šport štejemo v kulturo naroda v najširšem smislu. Skozi glavnega junaka film odpira nekaj zelo slovenskega - ljubezen do Planice in športa, od tem pa postane sporočilo univerzalno: Moramo sanjati in vztrajati ter tudi ob preprekah iskati nove načine, da se sanje uresničijo! Izvirnost in inovativnost v rabi medija se kaže v suvereni nameri režiserjev z manipulacijo slike in zvoka prikazati čustveno stanje protagonista, ki živi v svojem sanjskem svetu miniaturne Planice, in paralelno v realnem svetu planiške velikanke. Inovativnost je prisotna skozi režiserjeve odločitve kako posneti Planico, skozi uporabo slowmotiona ter skozi preplet Cenetove zgodbe z njegovo strastjo do skakanja - vse kaže na močen avtorski pristop. Skozi priložen material je jasen avtorski nastavek, ki obravnava temo na filmski način ter uporablja elemente filmskega jezika, ki presežejo klasično formo ter ponudijo gledalcu prostor za identifikacijo in preizpraševanje samega sebe.
SL: Znesek se deli med več odobrenih projektov prijavitelja.
EN: Amount distributed among miltiple projects by the applicant.
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