Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti
- Short Fiction Film
- 13'
- 2024
- Croatia, France, Bulgaria, Slovenia
- Basic info
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- Episode
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- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Based on true events. In 1993, a passenger train is stopped by Serbian paramilitary forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and only one man out of 500 passengers dares to stand up to them. Palme d’Or for Best Short Film at Cannes 2024.
Director's statement
The film is based on a horrific crime committed in Bosnia 30 years ago. There are three sides to every crime: the perpetrators, the victims, and the witnesses. I was particularly interested in the th
The film is based on a horrific crime committed in Bosnia 30 years ago. There are three sides to every crime: the perpetrators, the victims, and the witnesses. I was particularly interested in the third group. We approached the film as if it were happening today, and as if this situation was happening to us, here. It's easy to imagine that the passengers on the train are someone else, but they could easily be us, and in a way - they are. Acts of violence take place around us daily. Locally, it’s not as extreme as during the war in former Yugoslavia, but globally - it is even more extreme. And each of us is faced with the question posed by the film’s protagonist: should we stand up to violence even if we are not its immediate target?
Gallery (13)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Production department
Camera department
important awards
In Nebojša Slijepčević’s short film The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent, Gregor Božič showed how powerful a means of expression one small camera movement can be and how big a film one can make in a small space.
Slovene: FeKK BAL Po resnični zgodbi posnet film, silovit prikaz zadnjih trenutkov življenja Toma Buzova, je "napeta zgodba, pripovedovana z veliko gotovostjo, spretno kinematografijo in prepričljivimi igralskimi nastopi, uspešno ustvari napeto in klavstrofobično vzdušje na vlaku iz Beograda v Bar."
Extended data
Mož, ki ni mogel molčati (Slovenian)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Aiken Veronika Prosenc, Živa Emeršič, Darko Sinko
Contact the editors
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