Circus Fantasticus 12+

Silent Sonata
  • Fiction Film
  • 77'
drama, war
  • 2010
  • Slovenia, Finland, Ireland, Sweden


When the deafening rattle of war dies away, Stevo, scared, running around the field where traces of warfare can be seen and where his house, badly damaged, stands. He is left alone with his daughter Dunja and son Mali, as his wife has been hit by one of the grenades. When it seems that the worst is over, a terrible rumble can be heard from a distance, drawing closer to the house. After several mom

When the deafening rattle of war dies away, Stevo, scared, running around the field where traces of warfare can be seen and where his house, badly damaged, stands. He is left alone with his daughter Dunja and son Mali, as his wife has been hit by one of the grenades. When it seems that the worst is over, a terrible rumble can be heard from a distance, drawing closer to the house. After several moments of agony and tension Stevo discovers, confused, that the vehicle which stopped in front of the house is not another killing machine, but a rather unusual vehicle of Circus Fantasticus, containing a group of bizarre but utterly human characters.







Production design

Costume design


Sound design


important awards
