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Filmography (1)
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Section Eco-ShorTS
This short film conveys the preservation of an artistic craft, namely frame by frame, digitally hand-drawn animation. The title “Goldenhorn” symbolizes how nature itself is immortal. This film presents a fascinating journey across the meaning of myths and symbols. It furthermore presents a visual interpretation of a Slovenian folk tale. It takes place in winter in the Julian Alps, at a time when the supernatural is still intertwined with everyday life. It is a tragic love story about values and our relationship with nature. The universal symbolism of this story is reflected by means of a highly unique colour scheme, which references expressionism. The atmosphere created by the musical score also makes this animated film exceptional.
Intenzivna reinterpretacija ljudske pripovedke z mojstrskim ročnim delom zgradi fantazijski svet, v katerem se prepletajo ljubezen, lepota in zlovešča igra temačnih sil, obenem pa na sodoben način oživi stare ideale ekspresionističnih gibanj. Skozi skrbno izdelan vizualni pristop avtorica išče način za doživetje vzporednega sveta, ki ga lahko ugledamo skozi razpoke, ki jih ustvarjajo neobičajna barvna paleta, ekspresivne, na roko narisane poteze in siloviti montažni prebliski. (Zelo metal.)
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