Finta Film
- production company
- successor of: No History - zavod za sodobne umetnosti
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Given awards
- Filmography (8)
- Soundtracks
Finta Film is a boutique animation studio specialized in the realization of cutting-edge author-driven animation with an analogue touch. We want to create animation experiences that push the boundaries of artistic expression and storytelling. The studio's productions have been screened at Locarno, Sundance, Clermont Ferrand, Annecy, et al, receiving more than 100 awards.
Filmography (8)
production (6)
creative services (2)
important awards
The Vesna for Best Animated Film goes to Zarja Menart’s Three Birds. This visually refined animation speaks subtly about woman’s nature. Images of ancient female alliances, connection to nature and rituals are intertwined to create emotional tension.
"This film kept me on the edge of my seat and got under my skin with its layered visuals and captivating sound design." - Naomi Van Niekerk
Slovene: Vizualno impresiven film, ki nas je popeljal na čustveno potovanje skozi pokrajine poetičnega notranjega sveta. Zaradi tega smo prišli do točke, do katere sicer ne bi nikoli prišli.
Slovene: Glavna nagrada je podeljena filmu, ki namiguje na korenine naše kulture, mite, zgodbe in starodavna verovanja, ter najde veličastno obliko in tehnike, ki izražajo režiserkino vizijo.
Slovene: Vizualna poezija, ki prefinjeno uporablja tehniko cut-out animacije, nas popelje v misli glavne junakinje, ki poskuša pobegniti iz najtemnejših delov svojega uma. Močan prvi profesionalni film nas je prepričal s popolno kombinacijo slike, zvoka in pripovedi.
For the tension generated by its brilliant execution, with some scenes resolved in a very original and sensorial way.
"Naveličani smo ženskih likov brez vsebine, ki se znajdejo v tem položaju, ne da bi sploh bile igralke. Dovolj nam je dojemanja ženskega telesa zgolj skozi prizmo seksualizacije. Dovolj nam je moških likov, ki jih, ne da bi se o njem spraševali, uničuje lastno nasilje ..." Zato je, kot je dodala, veliko nagrado za kratki film namenila "filmu, ki mu je uspelo ujeti kompleksnost čustev lika, ki je pod psihološkim nadzorom nasilnega moškega. Ob prikazu vsakdanjega življenja tega para se poglobimo v doživljanje močne ženske, katere zadnje dejanje nas spravi v dobro voljo".
Fascinantna študija nasilnega razmerja v družini dveh, s pravo mero začinjenosti in tehnično briljantnostjo.
Serbian: Impresionističko, hipnotišuće putovanje i veoma dobra tehnička izvedba ovog filma, vode nas polako i uvode u toksična stanja naše svesti.
"The intense atmosphere immediately pulled us deeply into this film. We found the story very interesting and the main character was incredibly alive."
Computer Animation / Film / VFX / Honorary Mentions
Nadrealistični portret okajenega starca nas popelje na halucinatorno potovanje skozi noč, fascinira z dovršeno animirano podobo in zbode s prizemljitvijo, ki ji ne uide nihče.
A drunken drive through the night. A badger at the wheel. The car radio is the crooning, rhythmic companion that sets the beat of the reeling road, the dance of the headlights of oncoming cars. The beginning becomes the end of a very bizarre journey where speed is relative, compressed by Špela Čadež into a visually sophisticated and stunning flat figure animation.
André Eckardt
„This is like a different kind of road movie. The film is well animated and uses a complex multi plan technique. This film deals with an important topic that is often difficult to talk about in an original way”.
Extended data
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