Urša Menart
Urša Menart (1985) has directed a few documentaries (What about Mojca?, There Once Was a Land of Hardworking People) and co-written two feature films both directed by Damjan Kozole: Nightlife (Best Director Award, Karlovy Vary IFF 2016) and Half-Sister (Karlovy Vary IFF, 2019). Her debut feature My Last Year as a Loser (2018) with her as the writer/director won the Slovenian national award Vesna for Best Film and Best Screenplay.
Gallery (17)
Filmography (23)
Direction (16)
Writing (13)
Cast (3)
Directing department (3)
important awards
The Studio BEEP Sound Post-Production Award, consisting of €6.000 in-kind services sponsored by the high-end studios based in the centre of Prague, was handed out to EVERYTHING THAT’S WRONG WITH YOU (Slovenia/Germany/Serbia), presented by director Urša Menart and producer Katja Lenarčič ( Vertigo Ljubljana , Slovenia).
My Last Year as a Loser is recognized by the jury as the most comprehensive film of this festival. The relevance of the topic, the refined script and the precise direction of Urša Menart, the excellent acting cast headed by Eva Jesenovec and all other auteur contributions form a convincing whole. The topical and burning generational issues are explored in the film with an intelligent note of humour, absurdity and warmth.
The script for My Last Year as a Loser stands out by being elaborate, thoughtful and having good knowledge of the subject. From the seemingly passive character of Špela, it builds a strong and attractive protagonist, creating a narrative surplus in multiplicity, visual narrative and rich subtext.
The award is presented for a consistent critical reflection on the current time and young generation, which with regard to protagonists is humorous, bitter and loving at the same time; and for a comprehensive directorial portrait of Ljubljana, which appears in the film as a character of its own.
Avtorica podeli glas lastni generaciji ter njene težave osvetli s pretanjenim spojem dramatičnosti in humorja.
Letošnja strokovna žirija, ki jo sestavljamo Petra Božič (Art kino Odeon Izola), Mateja Lapuh (Mestni kino Ptuj) in Matjaž Marinič (Mestni kino Domžale), je med osmimi celovečernimi filmi v tekmovalnem programu izbrala film, ki gledalca vabi h kritičnemu razmisleku in refleksiji o slovenskem filmu skozi reprezentativne ženske vloge. Avtorica se je dokumentarnega filma lotila s strokovno predanostjo in spoštljivim odnosom do pogosto spregledane vloge žensk. Filmodlikujeta jasna zasnova in stopnjujoč ritem, ki ga režiserka izmenično zapolnjuje s humorjem in razmišljanjem o preteklosti in hkrati o prihodnosti ženskih vlog.Verjamemo, da lahko s prikazovanjem tega filma onovno obudimo zanimanje za slovensko filmsko kinematografijo, zato nagrado podeljujemo filmu Kaj pa Mojca? režiserke Urše Menart.
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