Katja Colja
Gallery (1)
Filmography (3)
Writing (3)
Direction (3)
important awards
Skozi izjemno delikatno zgodbo nam scenarista KatjaColja in Angelo Carbone razkrivata vso globino izgube otroka in soočanja z njo. Rahločutno in subtilno se skozi vrsto detajlov in situacij iz vsakdanjega življenja izoblikuje celostna mozaična podoba odtujenih medosebnih odnosov, katerih dinamika nas postopoma in neopazno vodi do močne emotivne katarze.
„It was hard to pick a winner, we saw six very different films, we liked them all very much. ROSA shows in a very different and beautiful way the unity of death and life. We see an older couple struggling with the death of their child. Their malfunctioning relationship suffers even more after this tragedy but the story leads them in a surprising direction. Katja Colja develops the figures in their own time. There is a focus on the woman but she also shows the feelings and fears of the husband in a very loving way. We are impressed by the visualization of all the little things that cannot be told. The performance of the cast is outstanding. Regarding a theatrical release in Austrian cinemas, we think that ROSA will be an enrichment for our audiences.”
Award sum € 5.000 for a theatrical release in Austria (including € 1.000 of payment in kind by CinePostproduction)
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