Branko Miklavc
* 13.03.1922, Ljubljana, Slovenia † 07.10.2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Branko Miklavc was born on 13 March 1922 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a cast member. The most well known projects he collaborated on are Strah (1974), Razseljena oseba (1982) and Trije prispevki k slovenski blaznosti (1983). He received 1 award. He died on 07 October 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Filmography (29)
Cast (29)
Writing (1)
important awards
Metod Badjura Recognition Award
(Jury Award)
best performance
Priznanje z diplomo.
Teden domačega filma
Awarded at:
Teden domačega filma 1986
Extended data
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