Alex Cvetkov
- Basic info
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- Materials
- Filmography (7)
- Soundtracks
- Awards
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Alex Cvetkov is a Slovenian filmmaker, who started his film career at a young age as a stuntman. Since then he has gained a lot of experience in almost every sector of film production. Cvetkov is also a music producer and performer of electronic music. He studied at a film school in L. A. and has directed many commercials, music videos and short films.
Gallery (1)
Filmography (7)
Writing (5)
Direction (5)
Production (2)
Editing (2)
Cinematography (1)
Sound design (1)
Stunts (2)
important awards
Žirija za kratke igrane, dokumentarne, eksperimentalne, animirane in študijske filme s posebno omembo opozarja na kakovostne cineastične prvine filma Zemlja. Stiska mladih zakoncev, zaradi katere se napotita na negotovo migrantsko pot, in zapleti, do katerih prihaja pri tem, so vešče realizirani v maniri žanrskega filma. Od drugih filmov z migrantsko tematiko se Zemlja razlikuje po tem, da prikaže izvir življenjske stiske, ki vodi ljudi od doma, in ne zgolj trpljenje migrantov na njihovi poti. K uspešnemu dojemanju zgodbe veliko pripomoreta igra protagonistov, zlasti ženska vloga, in kakovostno snemalsko delo.
Extended data
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