- Fiction Film
- 107' 54''
- 2017
- Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Serbia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Are unspoken memories what shapes us into who we really are? Perseverance is a mosaic narrative on events that have left a lasting mark on the lives of the protagonists. Each story is a reflection of thoughts, goals, fears and desires of its protagonist, seeking to articulate them through internal monologues, laconic self-questioning, through memories and confessions. A collage of various intimate stories aims to speak of the phenomenon of man. This is why characters in the film don't share the same space or time, do not know each other and never will.
Gallery (10)
Videos (1)
Dnevnik (1951- )
Credits order
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Art department
Sound department
Special effects
Visual effects
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
Casting department
Costume department
Hair and Make-up department
Post production/editorial department
Tansportation department
technical services
important awards
Italian: “Per l’articolata e ambiziosa configurazione strutturale, l’attualità dei temi affrontati (messi in scena con intensità), le scelte linguistiche e l’efficacia altamente drammatica di alcune sequenze”.
Eno življenje v tisoč življenjih, ena zgodba v tisoč zgodbah. Svež in izviren impresionistični kolaž in avtor, ki je naredil izstopajoč film tudi brez klasične naracije. Vesna za najbolj izvirni avtorski prispevek.
Ivanka Mežan jezaigrala lik ženske, ki je priča zadnjim vzdihljajem svojega ljubega moža. Sredi temačnega hodnika bolnišnice se odvija tiho, nemo poslavljanje, kjer obupano išče človeško prisotnost, a je nihče ne vidi ne sliši. Igralki je bila situacija izziv, da je z minimalno igro vsak trenutek vedno globlje odstrla pogled v srce in dušo svojega lika in s tem narekovala trajanje kadra in ritem celotne sekvence.
Brane Grubar je upodobil popotnika na obali počitniškega mesta, kjer se je poletje že zdavnaj poslovilo. Tudi sam se je prišel poslovit od pepela žare, ki jo skriva v naročju. Njegov pogled drsi po gladini morja in takrat ga, kot bi se navzel njegovega plimovanja, preplavijo čustva. Igralec je vztrajal v njihovem zanosu in njegov lik prepustil nekontroliranim gestam, ki so pepel ljubljene osebe namesto k morju, mehanično, samodejno nosile v njegova usta. S ponotranjeno igro Braneta Grubarja se je skoraj banalni pogreb spremeni v veličastno izpoved ljubezni.
The jury consisting of Karin Schockweiler (Eurimages Luxembourg representative), Kim Yutani (Sundance IFF) and Meinolf Zurhorst (ARTE/ZDF) was "moved by this poetic film that evokes the basic conditions of mankind". It decided to give the Eurimages Lab Project Award @ KVIFF amounting to €50,000 to this film "for its visually striking and sensory jouney through the secrets, memories, and imagination of the human race".
IRIS 2017
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Darko Vinkl, Klemen Dvornik, Matjaž Zajec, Sašo Podgoršek (alternate)
Contact the editors
If you need to get in touch, please use the form below. We will be happy to hear from you.