Skriti ljudje Upcoming
- Fiction Film
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- Slovenia, Serbia
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Guti (35, Slovenian) and Sig (50, Icelander) wake up naked and handcuffed to one another on a riverbank near Ljubljana. Sig suffers from memory loss, while Guti recalls a fight with skinheads Sid drunkenly participated in and Guti tried peacefully to intervene in. Sig has no passport or any clue about his identity—the skinheads have taken everything he owned. Guti is trying to build a new home for
Guti (35, Slovenian) and Sig (50, Icelander) wake up naked and handcuffed to one another on a riverbank near Ljubljana. Sig suffers from memory loss, while Guti recalls a fight with skinheads Sid drunkenly participated in and Guti tried peacefully to intervene in. Sig has no passport or any clue about his identity—the skinheads have taken everything he owned. Guti is trying to build a new home for himself on a river raft after losing his house to the bank and his life to his ex-wife. He introduces Sig to his friends—suburban misfits, who remind Sig of a legend of the hidden people. The film is a fairy-tale dramedy about new beginnings. It is also a self-ironic story about small countries and nations (Slovenia and Iceland) in the “big” Europe; about the unexpected connections that can help us find our place under the sun and continue with our lives. Finally, it is also about a vast number of invisible people who feel like “internal refugees” in the European societies they are a part of.
Production design
technical services
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Lilijana Nedič, Rok Biček, Rok Sečen, Tina Smrekar (alternate) Explication
Skriti ljudje je ironična zgodba o maloštevilnih narodih (Slovenci, Islandci) in številčno »velikih« narodih v Evropi, o nepričakovanih povezavah med ljudmi, ki s skupnimi močmi najdejo svoje mesto pod soncem, na njem vztrajajo in se borijo. Zgodba o zavedenih in zmedenih posameznikih, do skrajnosti podvrženih manipulaciji, ki v družbi želijo zapustiti cono somraka, kjer se ljudje medsebojno »žrejo«. Zgodba namenoma ponuja naiven pogled in politično stališče, da bi stvari lahko bile boljše in namenoma izziva resnobnost in brezizhodnost trenutka, v katerem živimo. Na intimnem nivoju gre za zgodbo o malih, nevidnih ljudeh, neprilagojenih posameznikih z obrobja družbe in sodobnega sveta, ki je svet totalitete neoliberalnega kapitalizma. Čeprav so junaki čustveno in eksistencialno ujeti v svoja življenja, kljub temu preko ljubezni, prijateljstva ter nepokornosti najdejo izhod in pot naprej. Duhovita in subverzivna vizija zahodne družbe in nas vseh, ki gledalcu ponuja pogled iz povsem novega zornega kota. Projekt odlikuje izjemna družbena odgovornost, ki se je zavedata tako scenarist kot režiser.
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