- Debut film
Pink Moon
- Fiction Film
- 95'
- 2022
- Netherlands, Slovenia, Italy
- Basic info
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- Episode
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- Screenings
- Archival footage
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- Filming locations
- Trivia
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When the 74-year-old father of a young woman unexpectedly announces he wants his life to come to an end, she is forced to face the absurdity of the situation.
During a family dinner, Iris (29), receives the news from her father Jan (74) that he’s had enough of life. In a few months – on or near his 75th birthday – he wants his life to come to an end. This absurd news is like a suckerpunch to the gut: Iris didn’t see it coming at all. As far as she’s concerned, Jan is an energetic father, a caring grandfather and an altogether healthy man living life to the full. He was supposed to be part of her life for at least ten years more. That was the idea. Her idea. That was how it would go. Until this day.
Gallery (35)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Art department
Sound department
Special effects
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
Casting department
Mentoring and Consulting colaboration
technical services
Extended data
Rožnata luna (Slovenian)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Polona Petek, Miha Hočevar, Igor Palčič, Simon Tanšek (alternate) Explication
»Scenarij za igrani celovečerni film Metuzalem tematizira odnos sodobnega človeka s smrtjo. Gre za dramo, v kateri je tabu smrti snet s piedestala mračne neizogibnosti in prestavljen v središče družabnega in družinskega življenja. V tem pogledu je tema scenarija univerzalna, izvirna in tudi verodostojna. Struktura zgodbe je konsistentna, pripovedni način je razgiban, utemeljen in prepričljiv. Liki so realistični in psihološko motivirani. Dialogi so svojevrstni zaradi ostrine tematike, vendar realistični in usklajeni s pripovednim načinom. Navzočnost Slovenije, Slovencev, slovenskega jezika oziroma slovenske kulture v scenariju je prisotna v deležu slovenskih igralcev, ki bodo igrali v prizorih posnetih v Sloveniji. Pričakovana privlačnost filma za slovenski in evropski oziroma mednarodni kulturni prostor je precejšnja zaradi nevsiljivo obdelane tematike. Odmevnost ustvarjalnega dela režiserke na avdiovizualnem področju je omejena, saj je na začetku ustvarjalne poti. Angažiranost slovenskih soavtorjev, avtorjev prispevkov in igralske zasedbe filma je razmeroma majhna. Angažiranost tehničnih zmogljivosti v Republiki Sloveniji je prisotna v postprodukciji zvoka in barvni korekciji slike, predvidenih pa je tudi 18 snemalnih dni v Sloveniji. Odmevnost dela glavnega producenta je solidna, slovenski koproducent pa ima za sabo vrsto uspešnih in tudi mednarodno odmevnih projektov. Finančni načrt in predračun filma sta utemeljena, vendar še ne v celoti potrjena.«
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